Brawler Upgrades

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Brawler Upgrades

The Brawler Upgrades are one of the upgrade types in TOMB RAIDER and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Tomb Raider (2013)

There are 7 different Brawler Upgrades. Like the Survivor Upgrades and Hunter Upgrades, these can be bought by spending Skill Points, which in turn are earned by collecting XP.

List of Brawler Upgrades

Withstand more punishment in and live to fight another day.
Cleverly use dirt and rocks to blind your enemies and leave them vulnerable to your attacks.
Deliver two swift strikes with the climbing axe to stun your enemies.
Use your climbing axe to deliver a deadly, stunning blow to your enemies.
After dodging an enemy, stab them in the knee with an arrow to cripple them and leave them vulnerable to a killing blow.
Skilfully dodge lightly armored opponents and then strike them at close range to kill them instantly.
Striking after dodging becomes even more deadly, allowing you to kill almost any enemy.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

There are 17 different skills to be mastered in the Brawler Upgrades section. These improve on "hand-to-hand combat and healing abilities".

List of Brawler Upgrades

Tier One

Take less damage from enemy gunfire and melee attacks. Effect is cumulative with the HEART OF STONE skill.
Take significantly less damage from explosions and fire.
Incapacitate unarmored enemies while dodging with a well-timed press of the Y button.
Enemies killed while in stealth will be automatically looted for resources.
Increased timing window available for DODGE COUNTER and earn extra XP when successfully performing a DODGE KILL.
Bandage wounds more quickly. Effect is cumulative with the FIELD MEDIC skill.
Health is instantly restored once per combat encounter when critically injured.

Tier Two

Stealth finishers are much faster and kill enemies with brutal force. Press Y to kill nearby, unaware enemies.
Landing from jumps and drops is always silent and generates no noise for enemies to detect.
Kill unarmored enemies during a DODGE COUNTER with a perfectly-timed press of the Y button.
Knife kill foes instantly when leaping down on them from above. Press Y to attack when indicator prompt appears.
Bandage wounds more quickly. Effect is cumulative with the FAST HEALER skill.

Tier Three

Take significantly less damage from enemy gunfire and melee attacks. Effect is cumulative with the THICK SKINNED sill.
Resist damage from enemies for a short period of time after a successful stealth kill.
Instantly kill armored enemies with a perfectly-timed press of the Y button during a DODGE COUNTER.
Stealth kill enemies without alerting nearby foes.
Resist damage from enemies for a short period of time after bandaging wounds during combat.

See Also

Experience, which is earned through various actions in TOMB RAIDER
Obtained by collecting XP, used for upgrading Lara's abilities through Brawler Upgrades, Survivor Upgrades and Hunter Upgrades
Another one of the three upgrade types in TOMB RAIDER
Another one of the three upgrade types in TOMB RAIDER