Thieves Among Us
From WikiRaider

Scroll from Catacomb of Sacred Waters Set
Thieves Among Us is a Document in Rise of the Tomb Raider. It belongs to the Catacomb of Sacred Waters set and contains descriptions of how the followers of the Prophet treated their dead after their arrival in Siberia.
A letter to the city guard speaking of a theft inside the burial chambers...
Someone broke into this place, in the dead of night.
They filled their pockets with coin, turned over urns of oil and wine, and saw fit to show disrespect to all that are interred here. It shreds my heart to think that one of our own could be so callous as to desecrate this place, all for a momentary earthly gain...
We must find a way to keep this place safe, even from our own brothers... Content
There is a possibility that the thief mentioned in this specific document is the one that was later incarcerated in the mines, see Unrepentant from The Pit of Judgement document set.