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There are 14 Locations and 49 Base Camps in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Furthermore there are 19 Levels in the game's story mode and nine Challenge Tombs can be visited in the base game.

The table below shows where each level begins (but not necessarily where it ends); some levels span over entire locations.

Location Levels Base Camps
Cozumel Caves A Faint Light (none)
Cozumel In the Shadows
Hunter's Moon
Head Above Water
Tidal Caves
Cozumel Cliffs
Peruvian Jungle Rough Landing
Where the Twins Confer
Plane Fuselage
Jungle Ruins
Jaguar Den
Plane Wreackage
Jungle Cavern
Canyon Ruins (Challenge Tomb: Underworld Gate)
(Challenge Tomb without Base Camp: Judge's Gaze)
Croft Manor Brave Adventurer (none)
Kuwaq Yaku Path of the Living
Path of the Dead
Path to the Hidden City
Jungle Cliffs
Kuwaq Yaku
Hunting Grounds
Kuwaq Yaku Ruins
Airfield Dirt Road
Temple of Life
Trial of the Eagle
Petroleum Deposit (Challenge Tomb: Howling Caves)
Trial of the Eagle Path to the Hidden City (none, accessible from Kuwaq Yaku)
The Hidden City The Hidden City
Rebellion Lives
Last Emperor
Quipu Overlook
Wild Jungle
Belly of the Serpent
Abandoned Village
Fishing District
Paititi Market
Temple District
Temple Path
Village Caves
Temple of the Sun (Challenge Tomb: Temple of the Sun)
Upper City Main Gate
Temple of Kukulkan
Subterran River (Challenge Tomb: Ancient Aqueduct)
Skull Cave
Unuratu's Home
(Challenge Tomb without Base Camp: Path of the Battle)
The Mountain Temple Eye of the Serpent The Mountain Temple
Temple Barracks
Cenote  ??? Cenote Vista
Cenote Temple Ruins
Collapsed Temple (Challenge Tomb: San Cordoba)
Cenote Tomb
Cenote Climb
Porvenir Oil Fields Downpour The Beach
Destroyed Bridge
Mission of San Juan Via Veritas
Via Crucis
Veni Vidi Perdidi
Falling Apart
Flood Basin (Challenge Tomb: Thirsty Gods)
Mountain Catacombs (Challenge Tomb: Tree of Life)
Deserted Cloister
Ruined Tower
Mission Gate
Head of the Serpent  ??? Head of the Serpent
Belly of the Serpent  ??? (none, accessible from The Hidden City)
City of the Serpent City of the Serpent City of the Serpent