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Contact is a Document in Rise of the Tomb Raider. It belongs to the Radio Calls set and contains Jonah's attempts at communicating with Lara that were intercepted by Trinity.

He made it all the way down to the facility... I should have expected. Stay safe, Jonah.

I don't know if you're reading me, Lara. But I'm going to keep trying. Something's out here. Climbed a tree to get a better view of the valley below - I can see old buildings and some activity. Looks like they got choppers and they're bringing in all kinds of equipment. It's got to be Trinity, it's the only explanation. Looks like they beat us to the punch after all, eh?

I've been watching for the past few hours, taking notes of their patrols. I think I can slip by them, if I time it right. You were always better than me at this...

If you're out there and you can hear me... please... be careful.