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Daughter of the Sun Hoshi
Occupation Priestess of the Sun
Parents Hiiro


Game(s) Tomb Raider (2013)

Hoshi is a character in Tomb Raider (2013).

She is only known through four in-game documents named Hoshi: Answering the Call, Hoshi: At Her Side, Hoshi: In Her Image and Hoshi: An End - she does not physically appear in-game.


Fragments of Hoshi's life are revealed by in-game documents: four of the Ancient Scrolls are written by Hoshi herself.

Early Life

Hoshi was presumably living a rather normal life as the daughter of Hiiro and Kokoro until the Sun Queen Himiko chose her to become one of the Priestesses of the Sun. This greatest of honors made her parents very proud, and the position of a Priestess of the Sun was dreamed about by many girls in Hoshi's village. [2]

However, this honor wasn't a completely wonderful thing, as Hoshi felt a bit disturbed by it:

And yet... I cannot deny my feelings. At first I dismissed them as simple nerves, but the unease has grown within me. I could never refuse the call, to do so would invite ruin to my family. But I am frightened of my Queen.

As Priestess of the Sun

As a Priestess of the Sun, Hoshi was above all others in Sun Queen Himiko's court. Like the other Priestesses of the Sun, Hoshi was instructed in languages, etiquette, history, warfare - all the skills that are needed to rule. Himiko was like a mother to Hoshi and the other Priestesses, being warm, attentive and loving. But it all felt fake to Hoshi, like a performance. And perhaps the other Priestesses of the Sun felt the same, but they all, including Hoshi, are afraid of something - something that they can't quite explain.[4]

As the Sun Queen grew old, Hoshi became her favorite one of all the Priestesses of the Sun. Himiko keeped Hoshi close to her, like a doll, brushing Hoshi's hair and dressing her up to her favorite clothes, Himiko even called her "her precious first daughter".[5]

This special attention from the Sun Queen Himiko unsettled Hoshi beyond words, as she was afraid she'll be chosen to be the next Sun Queen. But there was one thing that disturbed Hoshi even more than all the special attention from the Sun Queen:

But more disturbing, she constantly gazes upon my features as if... as if she's looking at her own reflection.

Eventually Hoshi was chosen to be the successor of the Sun Queen - or more likely to be the next vessel for Himiko's soul. Knowing this truth behind the Sun Queen, Hoshi plans to ruin the Ritual where she is expected to emerge the Sun Queen. Hoshi has also found out how Himiko hungers for more power, even beyond the seas of Yamatai. For the sake of Yamatai and all the other Priestesses of the Sun, Hoshi plans to kill herself with a dagger that she steals from the Stormguard General. By the time the Stormguard General realizes what Hoshi has done, it'll be too late.[7]


In the Chamber of the Sun, where the Ritual takes place, Hoshi succeeds in her plan and manages to corrup the Ritual by killing herself - leaving Himiko's soul trapped into her decaying body, raging in the storms that "will never abate while her soul is tied to this earth".[8]


Hoshi was the daughter of Hiiro and Kokoro.[9]

See also

The Sun Queen, who chose Hoshi to become a Priestess of the Sun and eventually her successor as the ruler of Yamatai
The group of maidens who surrounded Himiko
General of the Stormguard, who witnessed how Hoshi corrupted the Ritual


  1. In-game document Hoshi: Answering the Call
  2. In-game document Hoshi: Answering the Call
  3. In-game document Hoshi: Answering the Call
  4. In-game document Hoshi: At Her Side
  5. In-game document Hoshi: In Her Image
  6. In-game document Hoshi: In Her Image
  7. In-game document Hoshi: An End
  8. In-game document General: Failure of Duty
  9. In-game document Hoshi: Answering the Call