Temple Grounds

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Temple Grounds
Gol temple grounds loading.png
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Level No 2
Secrets 16
Location Central America, Yucatan
Level Chronology:
Temple of Light Temple Grounds Spider Tomb

Temple Grounds is the second level in Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.


  • Enter the Spider Tomb
  • Explore the temple grounds and find the entrance to the Spider Tomb
  • Locate the first Sun Disc missing from the dais
  • Find the second missing Sun Disc
  • Find the final missing Sun Disc
  • Return the Sun Discs to the Spider Tomb



Overall there are sixteeen secrets hidden into this level: ten Ren Skulls, four Artifacts and two Relics.

Artefacts & Keys




First Aid

Power Ups

There are eight Power Ups in this level.


The level features three Score and five Reward Challenges.

Score Challenges

Score 100,000 points Score 200,000 points Score 300,000 points

Reward: Automatic Shotgun

Reward Challenges

  • Collect 10 Red Skulls
Reward: Golden Scepter of Huitzilopochtli
  • Open the Spider Tomb in 5:00 or less.
Reward: Golden Owl
  • Cross the river without touching the water.
Reward: Health Upgrade
Reward: Ammo Upgrade
  • Destroy all the trucks (10)
Reward: Clay Lizard