Lancelot's Shield

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Lancelot's Shield
Trl lancelot's shield 1.JPG
Found 2006
Game(s) Tomb Raider Legend
Level Found Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek

Lancelot's Shield is an artefact found by Lara in a secret laboratory in Kazakhstan, in Tomb Raider Legend.

There is on its backside a map which guides Lara to Cornwall, England where she then finda King Arthur's tomb and one piece of Excalibur.

It's a shield. Tenth or eleventh century. Probably recovered with the piece we're looking for.
Lara Croft[1]


The Lancelot's Shield was most likely brought to the secret laboratory the same time the piece of Excalibur was.[2]


While searching for another piece of Excalibur, Lara stumbles upon a laboratory room, where the shield lays on a table. Upon further examination of it, Lara finds a map, which guides Lara to Cornwall, England where she then finda King Arthur's tomb and one piece of Excalibur.


Large shield with a decorative front and a map carved to the backside.


The artefact doesn't have any special powers, it only has a map carved to its backside.



  1. In-game dialogue via the headset between Lara Croft and Alister Fletcher
  2. In-game dialogue via the headset between Lara Croft and Alister Fletcher