The Path to Avalon

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The Path to Avalon
Tomb Raider Underworld
Section Mediterranean
Level No 1.1
Location Mediterranean
Level Chronology:
No Illusions The Path to Avalon Niflheim

The Path to Avalon is the second level of Tomb Raider Underworld and the first of the Mediterranean Section.


Having been told by Professor Eddington, a close friend of Lara's father, that Richard Croft believed that the entrance to Avalon was beneath the Mediterranean Sea, Lara travels there to investigate. After talking to Zip and Alister on her laptop, with Alister expressing his doubts about Lara's mother being alive, Lara dives to the bottom of the sea. Here she finds three submerged ruins, two small side ruins and one tower ruin. In all the ruins Lara will find wheel-handles to a portal-puzzle in the tower ruin. When she places them in the portal, she can rotate the three section to open the portal. Lara swims on through this tunnel, where a tentacle is hanging through a gap ahead. When Lara gets near this tentacle, it snaps back and retreats through the ruin. (This is later revealed to be the tentacle of a Kraken) Lara carries on through the ruin until it opens up into an open area. Lara climbs around the wall here until she reaches a set of carvings on the wall in front of her. Lara believes these carvings to be of early Germanic design, before deciphering them as Land of The Mist: Niflheim, the Norse underworld. "Not Avalon exactly, but the Norse equivalent" muses Lara, before continuing through the ruins.


  • Find two wheels.
  • Open the underwater portal in the main temple.
  • Dive into the passage inside the temple.
  • In the chamber climb towards the door..
  • Open the door using the Pressure Plates.



This level offers 10 of the 26 Mediterranean secrets. Six of them can be found before diving though the portal, two more are also under water and the last two are hidden in vases outside the water.

Keys & Tools

  • Wheels
  • two small stone blocks

First Aid


When playing the level for the first time only the wetsuit can be worn.
The Bathing Suit can be worn in this level in Treasure Hunt after it has been unlocked.

Xbox 360 gamers can also wear the downloaded outfits in this level.


The sharks met in this level are almost harmless when Lara moves swiftly around them and leaves them alone.
These enemies are stationary and will only be a danger to Lara if she swims right through them.


  • Disc Puzzle