WikiRaider:Community Portal
This page is for collecting things that have to be edited or improved.
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Comic Issue 13 and Comic Issue 14 are called "Part 1 of 1" and "Part 2 of 2" so I did not know what title to include That's indeed a good question. No title given in the comics or on!
Comic Issue 41 - Cover by Adam Hughes or Greg Land??
What is the correct name of one of the comic artists - John Ney Reiber or John Ney Rieber? Both versions appear several times. Damn you, topcow. Have to check the comic issues.
Comic characters probably worthwile to list on Category:Comics
Matrox Mystique - too personal description ("my old Pentium" etc)
Voodoo - external links have no texts & heading is not capitalized
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