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Underworld -Xibalba -Valhalla -Helheim -Croft Manor

Enemy Type Undead
Classification Guardian
Distinctiveness None
Weapons Melee(depends upon the class of thrall)
Weakness Using Thor's Hammer to kill them instantly, must be finished off before they rise again or a Sticky Grenade to blow them completely up.

Thralls are enemies that Lara will encounter in Tomb Raider Underworld.

Thralls are creatures born from the Eitr, the fluid of life. According to Odin's script in Thailand, they were taken to the Underworld to guard Thor's artifacts.

There are three kinds of thrall: the standard human thrall (Viking or Mayan), the yeti thrall and the quadruped thrall. For example, when Lara retrieves Thor's second gauntlet in the Croft Manor, two dog-shaped thralls attack her [1].

Before Lara gets the Mjolnir, the only way to kill thralls is to shoot them until they fall and then finish them by jumping on them.

The new expansion, Beneath the Ashes, will feature a new kind of thrall, which appears much like a british warrior with helmet and shield. In this chapter is revealed a artifact which can create and control thralls. This is very confused, because thralls are created by Eitr too.

In Helheim Lara discovers to her shock that Amelia has been turned into a Thrall. Amelia holds out her arms as if to hug Lara, but Lara empties both her pistols into Amelia, sending her back into the void.

