Thor's Gauntlets

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Spoiler Warning: This article reveals important elements of a work yet unpublished.
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Thor's Gauntlets are one of the artifacts collected by Lara in Tomb Raider Underworld. She comes across the first one in the Mediterranean level, after fighting the Kraken.

Legend has it that Thor needed the gauntlet, along with a mythical belt to wield his hammer Mjolnir.[1] When she first finds the gauntlet, Lara notices that it looks a bit like an ordinary glove. However after she touches it, the glove falls apart, leaving only a small piece intact.[2]

The first gauntlet is found by Lara in Niflheim, where it is stolen by a mercenary but shortly after recovered, the second gauntlet was originally in Thailand, but was recovered by Richard Croft and taken safely to a secret room in the Croft manor.

When activated,the glove adquires the exact shape of the person's hand,making it impossible for anyone else to use it. Natla claims that even killing the person who activate it won't unbind the artifact.

However in the game, the gauntlets seem to work more as insulated gloves to the hammer's powers, rather than sustainig its weight, as Lara can easly host it in her backpack, proving it is not so heavy.

Lara uses them several times in the game to move heavy objects, some of the entrances and exits of temples Lara visits can only be moved with the gauntlets.


The guantlets allow the wearer to wield Mjolnir, Thor's hammer. without them it would be rendered usless as its impossible to use otherwise.The gauntlets also bestow appearingly enhanced strength, though in reality the gauntlets react with a certain type of rock making the mass of the rock incredibly less, thus enableing the wearer to move what appears to be collosal amounts of weight. When the guantlets react with the rock, they and the rock give of a blue glow and a smooth humming noise.


in ancient glove form
Thor's Gauntlet
The Gauntlet activated


  2. Tomb Raider Underworld Video