
From WikiRaider
Revision as of 13:21, 6 February 2009 by Wile E. Coyote (talk | contribs)

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  1. External URLs matching this list will be blocked when added to a page.
  2. This list affects only this wiki; refer also to the global blacklist.
  3. For documentation see
  1. Syntax is as follows:
  2. * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment
  3. * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs
  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Additional Comments by the Administration:
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. This extension uses regular expressions. If you don't know, how regular
  5. expressions work, but you want to block one specific URL, just enter it
  6. here like this:
  7. \example\.com
  8. Note that each URL needs to be in a new line and start with a backslash
  9. "\", and that EACH dot has to be preceeded by an additional backslash.
  10. If you'd like to learn more about regular expressions, start looking here:
  12. Es gibt eine nicht so tolle aber brauchbare deutsche Anleitung zu dieser
  13. Extension unter
  15. Unter den Links dort findet Ihr auch eine Anleitung zu regulären
  16. Ausdrücken.
  17. Um ohne weitere RegEx-Kenntnisse eine spezielle URL zu blocken,
  18. orientiert euch bitte an folgenden Beispiel:
  19. \example\.com
  20. Jede URL hat in einer eigenen Zeile zu stehen und mit einem Backslash "\"
  21. zu beginne. Weiterhin muss JEDER Punkt innerhalb der URL durch einen
  22. weiteren Backslash eingeleitet werden.
  23. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Words
