Active Sonar Map

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Revision as of 15:30, 20 January 2009 by Jokingswood (talk | contribs)

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A revolutionary new tool that emits a sonar ping to create a 3D image of Lara's surroundings, perfect for uncovering hidden items and locations. This tool is first usable in Tomb Raider Underworld. To access it the player must access Lara's PDA sytem. Then they must select the sonar. this then triggers the sonar ping then shortly after a three dimensional image is seen of the area the ping has traveled to. The sonar cannot create an image of somehing which is behind something else, for example if the player is standing behind a pillar in a reletivly empty room and then activates the sonar, a £D image of the room in front of the pillar would not be created. this can easily be over come by moveing to a more accessable spot. After the sonar is activated the £D image of the surroundings stay a part of the image regardless to how many times you use it, only adding more to the image. This only stays in effect when the player is in the same level, once you have moved to a seperate level the image will be erased and a new one must be created.