Croft Manor (TRU)

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Spoiler Warning: This article reveals important elements of a work yet unpublished.
(This notice may only be removed by a Lead Editor.)

In the beginning of Underworld, Croft Manor will be up in flames, the speculated tutorial level - Lara must escape the burning manor. She finds Zip and Winston trying to escape from the [clearly blocked] main doors. Zip sees Lara and fires at her - Lara dodges the bullet and turns back to Zip with a look of shock on her face. Winston tries to stop him and says "It's Lara!", but Zip replies, "I know!" and fires at her again. The last shot is aimed at the camera, and you hear Lara say "Zip, wait!". The screen fades and shows the beginning credits before fading into the a scene in the Mediterranean Sea, text on the screen saying 'One Week Earlier'.

It's off to Croft Manor in the third level, where Lara is doing some exploration in the catacombs under the manor. Back in the manor, something happens (more speculation), and the manor goes up in flames; on sight, as seen in the first level, Zip fires at Lara. After dodging, Lara pulls out her guns and aims at him, responding "Drop it Zip, or I'll drop you!".

A scene shows Lara outside the burned-to-the-ground manor, pacing and finally says "I need Thor's belt to get his hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a God". Lara was talking to Zip at the time and Lara copy escapes the manor alive.

Croft Manor evidently burns to the ground, and it is unknown if Lara will inhabit one of the other two manors her father left her, where you can explore a whole new home for Lara.

Lara's copy actually destroys Croft Manor, killing Alister and wounding Zip. She also steals the Wraith Stone.

Lara exploring the manor on fire
the manor in TRU, debris scattered from the explosion
the manor from the outside, no damage yet
Lara copy standing outside the manor after blowing it up
the manor in flames