Evening Dress

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The Evening Dress is one of the Outfits Lara wears in Tomb Raider Legend.


Lara's Evening Dress appears to be a variant of a Little Black Dress. In the beginning of the Japan level, Lara enters the party room wearing a pair of peep-toe high heels and the un-ripped dress. When she is 'formal' her hair is unbraided. When fighting starts, a cut scene appears and shows Lara dive behind the bar and 'rip' her dress. She rips off the sides of her dress and kicks off her high heels. The cutscene ends with Lara Croft jumping out from behind the bar, barefoot and with braided hair.

From the official site

An unexpected development requires Lara to shed her utilitatian field garb and dress for an even more dangerous situation -- a formal corporate party. Every situation demands special attire, and her sleek cocktail dress (a gift from a famous Italian designer she discretely refuses to name) is the perfect choice for the setting. It restricts her behaviour to what's appropriate for proper social gatherings, of course -- affording no place to hide gear or weapons -- but if the situation turns violent or physical, she has hidden assets that are more than up to the challenge.

Evening Dress
Evening Dress

