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Greece in the modern era is a country in the south-east of Europe, a popular holiday destination known for its large number of islands. However "Greece" as a geographical area has differed considerably throughout history. Early Greece had colonies on the Italian mainland[1], whilst the "Greek" Empire of Byzantium stretched from Italy through North Africa and through Turkey to Russia[2]. There has been much fan speculation about the location of Greece in the games, some suggesting that "Greece" in the first Tomb Raider game should include Italy because of the Colosseum which is located on Rome [3], and because of the name St. Francis' Folly, which may derive from a Romanesque friar [4]. Similarly, locations in Turkey have been invoked due to the statue of Midas [5], the King of Phrygia, in the Midas Palace.


"Greece" is a group of levels in Tomb Raider. However in Tomb Raider Anniversary it has been stated again that the game location is in fact Greece (references? is this more fan site speculation or from a reliable source?) . In Tomb Raider Anniversary the creators tried to make some puzzles look more Greek. Instead of the Norwegian God Thor, in one of the Greek levels, they have used the ancient Greek God Haephestos and whilst Roman Neptune is replaced by the Greek Poseidon. It is not clear where in Greece or the Greek Islands the site is located.

Tomb Raider


Tomb Raider: Anniversary

From the official Site

A treacherous and vertiginous underground tunnel lies at the centre of these Greek ruins, with catacomb like rooms hosting fiendish challenges based upon the Greek gods Atlas, Haephestos, Damocles and Poseidon. Passing these is just the start; the ruins, coliseum, and ancient cisterns hide greater dangers.



In The Cradle of Life Lara travels to Greece to search for the Luna Temple which has been unearthed by an earthquake near the island Santorini.