Croft Estates

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The Croft Mansion (also Croft Estate) is located in the County of Surrey in England and is the home of Lara Croft.

It has been shown in the Games, in the Comics and in the Movies.

The Mansion in the Games

In Tomb Raider I to III the mansion (called Lara's Home) served as a kind of Training Level. It was not included in The Last Revelation and only seen in cut scenes in Tomb Raider Chronicles. The mansion made its return to the games as Croft Manor in Tomb Raider Legend where for the first time a version similar to the one known from the movies was used. This is alas inconsistent with the previous games, however one explanation might be given in Tomb Raider Legend, where it is stated that Lara owns three manors in Surrey. It can be assumed that these are two of them.

From the Games

Rooms and other parts of the Estate

The Mansion in the Comics

From the Comics

Lara's Home might vary from Comic to Comic, as each artist could create his own vision of the Mansion.

The Mansion in the Movies


The Mansion used in the Movies is the Hatfield House located in Hertfordshire, England. The inside looks very much like the Croft Manor shown in Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary.