Temple of Puna

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Template:Levelline|Temple Of Puna
Template:Levelline|Tomb Raider III
Section/Level No South Pacific/4
Secrets 1
Length 15 minutes
Location South Pacific
Template:Levelline|Level Chronology
Madubu Gorge Temple of Puna
Template:Levelline|detailed Walkthrough

Temple of Puna is the final level of the South Pacific part of Tomb Raider 3 . You fight the Puna Boss here. It has 1 secret.

The level is somewhat short, but has many traps such as rolling blades and boulders. Puna can be easily defeated even with Lara's pistols. Make sure you keep jumping from left to right while shooting at him and eventually, the boss will die. The only dangers are the creatures Puna summons from time to time and the long drop (the arena is set above a large pitfall).



