Citadel Gate

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Citadel Gate
The Last Revelation
Section City of the Dead
Level No 23
Secrets 1
Location Egypt, Cairo
Level Chronology:
Chambers Of Tulun Citadel Gate Trenches

Citadel Gate is a level in The Last Revelation.

The Citadel of Saladin is one of the largest complexes of Medieval Islamic architecture anywhere in the world. It contains numerous important buildings, such as the Mosque of Mohamed Ali (not the boxer) completed in 1848, the Al-Gawhara Palace, the National Military Museum, the Police Museum and two other mosques; the Mosque of al-Nasir Muhammad (thirteenth-fourteenth century) and the Mosque of Suleyman Pasha, built in the sixteenth century.

Unfortunately, Lara's route does not take her inside the Citadel just yet. There is a large demonic creature which the wounded Sergeant Azizas tells Lara is a 'Creature from Egypt's Past' - it looks like a Dragon as it is reptilian and breaths fire. Instead, Lara must begin her search for explosives to destroy the creature, as it cannot be destroyed by mere bullets.

The Citadel Gate therefore consists mostly of the surrounding streets. Lara finds an old burial place in the network of alleys that are filled with Crocodiles, Bats and Giant Scarabs. She must be ready to take to the rooftops, and cannot return to help Azizas destroy the Dragon without a Mine Detonator Body and Mine Position Data.


