City of Vilcabamba

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City of Vilcabamba
Tomb Raider
Section Peru
Level No 2
Length (*)
  • Game Time: 25 minutes

Secrets 3
Location South America, Peru
Level Chronology:
Caves City of Vilcabamba Lost Valley

City of Vilcabamba is the second level in the original Tomb Raider.


Lara heads deeper into the mountain, discovering the ancient city of Vilcabamba, once an Incan stronghold.



Traps and Obstacles



Vilcabamba is the last city of the Incans. When the Spanish conquistadors explored Peru in the 1520's and 30's, the last of the Incans escaped to Vilcabamba, lead by Manco Inca Yupanqui. They lived there for 36 years, making occasional raids on the spaniards. However, in 1572 the Incan stronghold was discovered and the last ruler, Túpac Amaru, was captured and executed, bringing the Incan civilisation to an end.