Seal of Anubis
The Seal of Anubis is an artefact found in the first Tomb Raider, in the level Obelisk of Khamoon.The Bible says the Jews plotted against Jesus... they did not consider Jesus one of them. They had him executed. Remember even when he was 12 they kept asking him how he learned what he knew, who taught him??? And later they challenged his credentials to teach in the Temple and synagogues.
Mary's lineage is never given. It certainly would have been if she had been Jewish. Only Joseph's is given and he was not recognized by Jesus as his father. So being raised in Joseph's house would satisfy "being in the house of David" without a blood lineage to David.
When it was necessary to keep Jesus safe from the Jewish king who was killing all those little boys, he was sent to Egypt. The earliest Christians were the Copts. Christianity, in case you hadn't noticed, is Egyptian to the core -- even Horus -- if you remember it is the KH kind of H --- KH-R-S
The ancient Isis, Osiris, KHRS trinity. Jesus said He came to teach the Jews. He never said he was one. Jesus had a very extensive definition of neighbor (neighbors must be treated with love) which Jews tend to reject...even in the US they tend to protect their neighborhoods with threads placed to delineate what is Jewish neighborhood and what is outside (not a "neighbor")...where they may walk on the Sabbath, etc. They can't do to neighbors what they do to others.
For goodness sake - read that New Testament and pay attention. It is NOT the Old Testament!
Christians (followers of Jesus) do not hate Jews... but they expect them to convert to the spirit of God's laws insteead of continuing in error. After all, Jesus sacrificed himself for the Jews. Jews do tend to hate Christians for believing they are imperfect and need conversion. .