WikiRaider:Article Layout

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Here you can see how the Article Layout in WikiRaider should be:

Info Box or Image

  • First you should start with an image for the article
(if one is available), else leave open. This image should have the ratio of 3:4 and a thumbnail of the size 150x113 should be used.
[[Image:nameofimage.jpg|thumb|150px|right|image text]]

  • Sometimes the image is replaces by an info-box containing the image.
this is the case if the article is about a level, game, book, movies, comic...
See Samples

Introduction Line

  • Then you should write an introduction line containing the keyword (name of the article) in bold
Example: '''Bartoli's Hideout''' is the third Level in [[Tomb Raider II]].

Creating a Relation to other Articles

  • The next few sentences should put the article in relation to others.
Example: The '''Pharos Knot''' is needed to gain access to [[Pharos, Temple of Isis]] in [[The Last Revelation]]. It is found in the [[Hall of Demetrius]].
In this example the item Pharos Knot is set in relation to two levels (where it is found and used) and the game it is in.

Main Content

  • general text

  • next should come the content as given in the Samples
e.g. for baddies:


  • finish the content by giving the Categories for the article.
[[Category:Name of the Category]]
A list of all Categories can be found here: Special:Categories

Category Types

Sometimes an article is not just a simple article in a category (most commonly these are disambiguation pages!

  • [[Category:Name of the Category| ]] (For the article with the same name as the Category; e.g. the article Enemies within the Category: Enemies)
  • [[Category:Name of the Category|!]] (For very important disambiguation articles within a category; e.g. the article Bosses within the Category: Enemies)
  • [[Category:Name of the Category|#]] (For important disambiguation articles within a category; e.g. the articles Humans, Animals, Immortal Opponents, Ghosts... within the Category: Enemies)
  • [[Category:Name of the Category|']] (For less disambiguation articles within a category; e.g. the articles Mercenaries, Fiama Nera, Scorpions... within the Category: Enemies)
  • [[Category:Name of the Category|*]] (For "unimportant" disambiguation articles within a category.]])

Inter Wiki Language Links

  • last comes the inter-wiki link to the same article in German (leave open if you don't know the title), fill in when it is obviously the same (e.g. names of persons)
[[de:Article Name in German]]