Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1, Issue 50

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Release Date: January 2005 (or on Wizards World Texas Nov. 5 - 7 2004)
Writer: Dan Slott
Pencil: Francis Manapul
Ink: unknown
Colors: Brian Buccellato
Letters: Robin Spehar, Dennis Heisler, and Mark Roslan
Pages: 32
Price: $2.99

Uproarious She-Hulk writer Dan Slott takes us 500 years into the future where a band of hi-tech thieves are breaking into the secret chambers below Croft raid Lara's Tomb. Watch as each piece of plunder tells a story in the life and times of the world's greatest treasure hunter, Lady Lara Croft! The fastest-paced Tomb Raider story ever is whipped onto the page at 90 miles an hour by Witchblade artist Francis Manapul, Plus, this anniversary extravaganza includes bonus pin-ups from Tomb Raider's top artists.

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