Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1, Issue 25

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Endgame 1 of 3

Tomb Raider/Witchblade/Evo Crossover
Continues in Witchblade 60 and Evo 1

Release Date: November 2002
Writer: John Ney Rieber
Pencil: Michael Turner
Colors: Jonathan D. Smith
Letters: Robin Spehar & Dennis Heisler
Pages: 32
Price: $2.99

ENDGAME PART 1 (of 3) Tomb Raider's 25th issue extravaganza arrives as special guest penciler Michael Turner joins forces with John Ney Rieber to present the monumental issue of Tomb Raider as Top Cow's blockbuster ENDGAME crossover kicks off!! It all begins when the charred remains of a long-lost Native American settlement lure Lara Croft to New York City the home of Sara Pezzini and the Witchblade, and it ends with... the death of Lara Croft?!?

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