Tomb of Qualopec

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Template:Levelline|Tomb of Qualopec
Template:Levelline|Tomb Raider
Level No 4
Secrets 3
Length 15 minutes
Location South America, Peru
Template:Levelline|Level Chronology
Lost Valley Tomb of Qualopec St. Francis' Folly

Tomb of Qualopec is the fourth level of the original Tomb Raider, and the last level of the Peru section.


Having raised the old Incan dam, Lara now enters the tomb of Qualopec. She pulls three switches, each protected by a series of deadly traps, and opens the three gates to Qualopec's burial chamber. In it she finds the Atlantean ruler still sat in his throne, his two guards mummified beside him. On a predestal in the center of the room lies the piece of the Scion that Lara has been searching for. Removing the Scion releases the final trap as the tomb begins to fall apart around her. Avoiding the falling debris, Lara races back to the lost valley where she finds that Larson has been sent after her to steal her piece of the Scion. He attacks her, but Lara manages to overcome him. Bitterly, he reveals that there are other sections of the Scion and that Piere DuPont has been sent after them. Larson makes a futlie attempt to recover his weapon, but Lara has the upper hand, shooting him down again. She leaves him for dead and heads for Natla's headquarters.



Traps & Obstacles


This is the burial site of the ancient Atlantean ruler, Qualopec. When tragedy befell Atlantis, Qualopec took his people to Peru in South America and tried to rebuild his civilisation there. When he died, he was buried beneath the city of Vilcabamba, protected by his mummified personal guard and a variety of traps.