Lost Valley

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Template:Levelline|Lost Valley
Template:Levelline|Tomb Raider
Level No 3
Secrets 5
Length 35 minutes
Location South America, Peru
Template:Levelline|Level Chronology
City of Vilcabamba Lost Valley Tomb of Qualopec

The Lost Valley is the third level of the original Tomb Raider.


Heading past the city, further into the mountain, Lara discovers a small pocket of tropical climate. It is home to velociraptors and a tyranosaurus rex who survived here past the dinosaurs' mass extinction. The skeletons that litter the cave suggest many an Incan fell victim to these predators. Lara collects three primitive cogs from this valley and uses them to close an ancien Incan dam, allowing her to access the tomb of Qualopec.



Traps and Obstacles



It is believed that the Incans did not possess technology as advanced as cogs.