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Tihocan was one of the three leaders of Atlantis, along with Qualopec and Natla. Together these three created the Scion, a device of amazing power.

When Natla began to misuse the power of the Scion, Tihocan and Qualopec sentenced her to eternal imprisonment, and she was buried in present day Los Alamos. The Scion was split into three and Tihocan and Qualopec each took a piece, burying the third segment in Egypt.

When Atlantis was destroyed, Tihocan and the Atlantean people moved to Greece, where he attempted unsuccessfully to maintain their society. He sired no children, and when he died he was buried, along with his piece of the Scion, in Turkey. His tomb was protected by two Atlantean Centaurs, as well as an extensive system of antechambers.

A monastery was later built on top of Tihocan's tomb.

Tihocan is blind and uses a mechanical visor to see.