Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1, Issue 26

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Template:Comicline|Comic Issue 26
Randy Green
Template:Comicline|Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1
Issue No 26
Story Title Abyss
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Release Date February 2003
Writer John Ney Rieber
Pencil Randy Green
Ink Jonathan Sibal
Colors Jonathan D. Smith
Letters Robin Spehar & Dennis Heisler
Pages 32
Price $2.99

Comic Issue 26 or Abyss Part 1 is the first issue after the crossover Endgame.

Lara is drifting between life and death -- as a Tomb Raider she's been dealing with the line between life and death all her life but never before has she been so vulnerable! When an evil ancient Egyptian decides that Lara would be a nice addition to his afterlife, how is she going to escape?