Tomb Raider Chronicles Story

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The Story for Tomb Raider Chronicles consists of four independent sub story lines strung together by the storytelling of Winston, Charles Kane and Father Bram Patrick Dunstan.

It is a cold dark rainy day, the memorial service for Lara Croft over, Charles Kane, Winston and Father Dunstan retire to Croft Mansion. As they collect their thoughts, they reminisce about Lara's past adventures... Meanwhile hundreds of miles away Werner Von Croy co-ordinates the frantic dig searching for answers buried deep beneath the Egyptian desert...
Tomb Raider Chronicles booklet

Memorial Service

In the pouring rain stands a statues of Lady Lara Croft, a plate at the foot of the statue reads LARA CROFT ONCE AND FUTURE ADVENTURER, FOR HER..

Winston gets into a limo, where Father Dunstan is awaiting him. They are taken back to Croft Manor. A news show is running in the background. In world news, a private memorial service was held today for renowned archaeologist Lara Croft.

  • Father Patrick: 'Tis a sad day, Winston.
  • Winston: She will live on forever in our hearts...
  • Father Patrick: Surely, Winston, and for this is but a memorial service. There may yet be news from Von Croy in Egypt.
  • Winston: Indeed. We can only hope and pray that she may yet return to us. But I fear Von Croy digging in the hopes of discovering her alive may only be met with black reality.
  • Father Patrick: Indeed. Indeed.

At Croft Manor Part 1

"To the study, gentlemen, where we may pontificate over the day's disheartening events," Winston invites the other men to follow him.
"Indeed, my friend. Even the heaven's cry out," Charles Kane agrees.
In the study Charles picks up a stone artefact from the mantelpiece.
"Ah, the Philosopher's Stone," Winston comments. "One of Lara's early conquests. And one of her most challenging pursuits, if my memory serves me."
"And Rome still bears the scars of that little episode," says Father Dunstan, joining in.
"Ah, she was never one for diplomacy, Lara. But she certainly knew how to paint the town red," continues Charles.

The Philosopher's Stone

Lara is sitting in the opera house in Rome when Larson arrives.

  • Larson: Well, gol' darn, ain't she just a picture?
  • Lara: Ah, the charming Mr. Larson. Has Pierre let you off the leash? Talking of which, where is our learned friend?
  • Larson: Aw, he's around. You got the cash?
  • Lara: I've got the cash, but I don't deal with the monkey.
  • Larson: Well now, that ain't polite for a lady... even if the monkey has the Mercury Stone?

[He shows her a glowing yellow gem. Lara picks up a black briefcase, filled with money.]

  • Lara: Lucky I'm in a generous mood.

[Pierre emerges and points a gun at her head.]

  • Lara: Ah, crawled out from under your rock, I see.
  • Pierre: No need for unpleasantries, Miss Croft. I'm afraid I must once again relieve you of your burden.
  • Lara: Easy come, easy go.

[Pierre takes the briefcase and prepares to leave, but Lara places her hand on the railing. Like a true gentleman, Pierre bends to kiss her hand. Lara stands up and kicks him, making the stone fly away from him. She catches it and leaps onto the balcony railing. Then she leaps out over the orchestra and grabs the curtain. She slides down to the stage where the spectators applause. Lara bows then runs offstage while Pierre starts to fire. Pierre and Larson run downstairs after her.]

  • Larson: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

[Lara runs out of the building by the stage door and hops onto a deliveryman's scooter. Larson and Pierre get into an empty taxi and follow.]

  • Larson: Buckin' bronco, baby!

[Seeing the end of a narrow alley, Lara jumps of the bike and rolls under a low metal gate.]

  • Larson: We ain't gonna make that gap, boss.
  • Pierre: We'll make it.
  • Larson: Ain't gonna.

[They crash into the gate.]

  • Larson: What did *I* tell you?
  • Pierre: Mon Dieu!

[Lara blows them a kiss and walks off.]

[Larson, after shooting at Lara from above a roof is stopped by Pierre at the last second.]

  • Larson: What?!
  • Pierre: Idiot... idiot! What does the cowboy achieve with this mindless firing?
  • Larson: Ain't mindless.. ain't we tryin' to kill'er anymore then?
  • Pierre: You were kicked in the head by a horse, oui? So the brain doesn't work correctly...
  • Larson: How'd you know about that?
  • Pierre: Never mind, never mind... We'll wait 'till she collects the other pieces, it this fashion we have both prizes at no extra efforts.
  • Larson: You're one clever cookie, boss.
  • Pierre: Comparatively, yes. Now, let's get off this roof, and I will buy you a milkshake.

At Croft Manor Part 2

The Spear of Destiny

  • Charles Kane: The Zapadnaya Litsa port. Once the pride of the Russian fleet.

[Lara sees through her binoculars that two cars enter the base.]

  • Charles Kane: Ex-KGB the majority of them. Trained killers.
  • Lara: Dealt with Mafioso before... unpleasant memories. Prefer to avoid them whenever possible.
  • Charles Kane: Yes, I would prefer this also.

[Through the binoculars she observes the presence of only a few small boats.]

  • Lara: Hardly a major search party, is it? There's something you're not telling me.
  • Charles Kane: Ah, yes.
  • Lara: I'm a big girl now. Hit me with the bad news.
  • Charles Kane: It is... bad news. The admiral's allegiance has been bought and under his command a nuclear submarine. It's housed in one of the dockyards.
  • Lara: Well done. Nuclear submarine... sounds nice... perfect holiday.
  • Charles Kane: Lara, wait. Take this tracking device.
  • Lara: What's this? You're not worried about me.
  • Charles Kane: Yes. Someone has to.

[He hands her the tracking device.]

  • Lara: Touching... but don't wait up.

  • Mikhailov: Move your men along. I do not pay such extortional prices for incompetence.
  • Admiral Yarofev: You forget, Mikhailov, I am still an admiral of the Russian navy, and as such, demand respect.
  • Mikhailov: While you accept my bribes for use of the submarine, you are under my employ and will follow my instructions without complaint.
  • Admiral Yarofev: If I deal with the likes of you to keep my men in bread, it does not make me one of you.
  • Mikhailov: Relax, my friend. We are two sides of the same coin.
  • Admiral Yarofev: [in a low voice] Mafioso filth.

[The Admiral faces one of his men.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: Kruschev, hurry on with that box. Our new commander demands efficiency.

[A box is lowered into the sub.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: Enough! Enough! Board and seal hatches!

[The Mafioso and Yarofev prepare to board.]

  • Mikhailov: As you have promoted me to commander, is it not fitting to board before the admiral?

[Lara uses a crane to get onto the deck of the submarine. She then fights a sailor on the deck, knocking him unconscious and running into the cargo hold. The doors are then heard swinging shut.]

  • Lara: Hmph. Economy class.

[Several hours later, Lara is resting against a crate. The door in front of her suddenly swings open. Admiral Yarofev enters, escorted by two armed crewmen.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: An unwelcome addition to our little assignment. Leonid, if you would escort this lady to the brig...

[The two crewmen approach her from both sides and pat her down, then wave her forward. As they do so, Lara addresses Yarofev.]

  • Lara: Your little assignment? You have no idea what your Mafia-financed assignment is, do you?
  • Admiral Yarofev: Young lady, who you are and what you know is of very little concern to me. If I was captain of my ship, I might listen to you. But unfortunately, the situation I find myself in doesn't allow me this privilege.

[The Admiral moves to allow them passage, moving his arm as if welcoming her in.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: So if you would be quiet and hurry along like a good little girl...

[Lara, the Admiral and the two crewmen move to the brig. A crewman unlocks the door.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: Inside, please.

[A crewman pushes the open, Lara enters soon after.]

  • Lara: You are making a grave mistake, you know that?

[The door slams shut, and the two crewmen now stand to the side of the door. Yarofev begins to address them.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: Under no circumstances open this door! You understand?

[The crewmen salute. As Yarofev turns to leave, they glance to each other.]

[Having escaped the brig, Lara moves through the sub's ventilation shafts. Passing a grate in the vent, she looks through spies Mikhailov and Yarofev in the command room. Mikhailov is looking through the submarines periscope.]

  • Mikhailov: Then it is true! We are before the stricken U-Boat. Now to find if it's cargo is still intact. Prepare your divers.

[Mikhailov pulls the periscope up and turns to Yarofev.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: And are we to be told what we are searching for?
  • Mikhailov: Enough to locate it, da, but beyond that I fear it may be too much for your limited intellect to grasp.
  • Admiral Yarofev: Perhaps to much for mine, trusted comrade. But perhaps not for the spy we have located on-board.
  • Mikhailov: A spy?! I trust you disposed of him?
  • Admiral Yarofev: Not Him! Her! You idiot! We are forced to run with the wolves, but we shall not kill indiscriminately like they.
  • Mikhailov: Fool! I shall dispose of her some other time. Move the sub to position quickly, comrade!

[Admiral Yarofev looks through the periscope.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: Take her five degrees to starboard, quarter power then bring her to a full stop.

[Yarofev pulls the periscope up.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: Attention all dive crews! Report to your stations immediately!

[Lara, equipped in the Extreme Depth Suit, enters the sunken U-Boat and finds a crate. Moving to the crate, she opens it and recovers the spear of destiny.]

  • Lara: Ahhh...Who could believe it?

[As she puts the spear in a compartment in her suit, the submarine suddenly shifts. A heavy beam falling from the ceiling strikes the suit, damaging it.]

  • Lara: Puncture! Time to leave.

[Lara returns to the submarine, taking off the damaged Extreme Depth Suit and taking the spear from the compartment on the suit. As she does so, Mikhailov arrives with two Mafiosi.]

  • Mikhailov: Ah, our unannounced visitor! I fear you have an item in your possession that I require.
  • Lara: To be used in your continuing quest for world peace, I presume?
  • Mikhailov: World peace, not entirely my purpose in pursuing this artefact...
  • Lara: This artefact contains untold power. Power the likes of you could never harness. If you wish it, you may have it. But you will regret it.
  • Mikhailov: The world may regret it. Hand it to me and I may spare you.
  • Lara: On your head, be it.

[Lara throws the spear to Mikhailov, who catches it and holds it close.]

  • Mikhailov: Take her to the torpedo room, and eject her into the ocean.

[One of the Mafiosi holsters his guns, approaches and grips Lara by the arms.]

  • Lara: Sergei, listen to me! You don't know what your dealing with!

[As Lara is lead away, Mikhailov begins to stroke the spear, paying no heed to her words. As the three of them exit the room, Mikhailov suddenly lets out a scream. The spear's power has lifted him off of the ground. Bolts of power strike at him, causing smoke to rise from his body. Lara looks on, when an explosion suddenly erupts and the room goes dark. Using it as a distraction, Lara knocks both Mafiosi unconscious as the sub begins to fill with water.]

[Lara finds Admiral Yarofev, injured, sitting against a wall in a water-logged room. Lara approaches to kneel by his side.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: [in a low, slurred voice] I knew that dog Sergei would be the end of us all. He infects my ship with his greed and now, we are all doomed.
  • Lara: We have a chance, the escape pod! C'mon, I'll help you!
  • Admiral Yarofev: I do this only to help my men. He babbles of the Biblical spear and I feed his madness for money to feed our families. And now. To this. Corpses left for the fishes.

[Lara grips Yarofev by the shoulders, shaking him to get him to pay attention.]

  • Lara: Yarofev! I can help you! But you must help me. The ship is about to impact into the ocean bed and then our time is up. We must hurry!

[Yarofev lets out a loud cough.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: The escape pods have no internal air supply. You will find oxygen tanks in the state room. I hear my ship dying. The internal seams are splintering.

[Lara returns to Yarofev after inserting the oxygen tanks into the escape pod. She goes to Yarofev's side, who promptly swats her away, saying something in Russian.]

  • Admiral Yarofev: No time! The hull is breached and we will drown soon. With the oxygen. You, escape. Now!
  • Lara: Not without you.
  • Admiral Yarofev: I am Admiral Yarofev of the Russian Imperial Navy! I have served my great country for many years. But the country I know withers, the bear lies down to sleep for it's final time. And I wish also this fate, on the ship I have grown to love.
  • Lara: No deal.
  • Admiral Yarofev: Yes, deal! For the outer airlock can only be opened from inside the ship. This is my gift to you child. I release you to a future beyond this dying vessel.

[Lara kneels down next to him.]

  • Lara: And my gift to you?
  • Admiral Yarofev: Tell my story. Tell how the proud men of the Russian Navy fought against the enemy from inside and sacrificed their lives for that their country may once again stand proud!

[Lara stands.]

  • Lara: You have my word.
  • Admiral Yarofev: I salute you. Quickly, into the airlock! And I release you.

[Lara ascends the nearby ladder to the escape pod, but not before looking down to the Admiral one final time.]

  • Lara: Goodbye Admiral.

[Lara ascends the ladder.]

[The scene fades in on the hull of the submarine. Admiral Yarofev sits in the stricken ship, wounded and holding his chest. As the escape pod carrying Lara streaks away from the sub, the power of the spear approaches the wounded Yarofev. He looks on in horror as the power approaches, tbe escape pod continuing to race away. The power overwhelms him, and the submarine suddenly explodes. Charles Kane stands in his ship and sees a blip on his radar. Grabbing a rifle, he goes out on deck, only to see Lara emerge from the pod. The scene then fades back to the group in front of the fireplace, with Yves standing and gazing out of a window.]

At Croft Manor Part 3

  • Charles Kane: Lara saw enough of the power of this artefact to recognize it's rightful place was where man could never misuse it.
  • Father Patrick: And not enough for it to destroy her. Some powers are beyond the wit of man.

[A sudden flash of lightning is seen and a crack of thunder is heard. The power goes out]

  • Winston: Oh dear, gentlemen. I do apologize. It seems someone up above has a sense of humour. If you will excuse me for a moment, I shall fetch candles.
  • Charles Kane: It is a night spurred by hell.
  • Father Patrick: And as the horsemen drove ever onwards across the world, the heavens boiled at their wake.

[Charles Kane turns to face Father Patrick.]

  • Father Patrick: Ah. The benefits of a religious education.

The Iris

  • Zip: Okay, Miss Croft, I'm presuming, by the lack of communication that you're at Industries building, right? Containing our little prize- the Iris?

[Lara talks through her headset.]

  • Lara: Affirmative.
  • Zip: Right! Now this is what you're good at, yeah? Time to switch roofs.
  • Lara: Switch roofs? Easy to say from the ground floor. Wouldn't you agree?
  • Zip: C'mon now! Stiff upper lip! Top hole and all that! Time to get hip with Zip!
  • Lara: Gone.

[Lara hang-glides to the roof of the next building, but the flight is disturbed by strong wind. She starts to loose control but soon regains it. Zip hears a high-pitch sound in his headset]

  • Zip: Yow! Jimi Hendrix is back! Lara? You there, Lara? Croft, are you gettin' this?
  • Lara: Fly me.
  • Zip: Geez, now that was a blast! What the hell happened?
  • Lara: Never mind Yankee, I'm going in.
  • Zip: Ok, you've been a bad girl, and before I tell you what your punishment is, I just want to say that there's no point in arguing 'cause I ain't gonna be listenin'. Take all your metal items-- yes, guns is metal...and put 'em in the tray. Now!
  • Lara: So, you're telling me to disarm myself in a building crawling with armed guards?
  • Zip: Now if I was listening, which I ain't, like I told you before, I would counteract this argument by alerting the person asking me this to the fact guns ain't good against ten foot tall walking tanks anyway! But I ain't listening, so I ain't sayin' nothin'.
  • Lara: I'm doing it. But if you mess this up...
  • Zip: Alright, I'm listening again. And trust me, I ain't going to mess this up, okay?
  • Lara: Do I have a choice?
  • Zip: Nope.
  • Zip: Lara are you there? Lara? Lara! You broke? You ain't dead, is ya? C'mon girl, answer me!
  • Lara: Gonna be sore in the morning...
  • Zip: I knew you was too tough for a fall like that.
  • Lara: I'm on the ground floor, aren't I?
  • Zip: Bing! Ground floor: depart here for gun-toting refrigerator men and long walk back upstairs. Sorry girl, you got it, but hell, you in one piece, ain't ya?

[Lara starts coughing]

  • Lara: Never felt better.


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