The Monstrum Crimescene

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Template:Levelline|The Monstrum Crimescene
Template:Levelline|The Angel of Darkness
Section Prague Section
Level No Prague 2 - 26
Length minutes
Location Czech Republic, Prague
Template:Levelline|Level Chronology
Von Croy's Apartment The Monstrum Crimescene The Strahov Fortress

The Monstrum Crimescene is the first level part of the Prague section from The Angel of Darkness. Lara has arrived in one of the more expensive neighbourhoods of Prague, with large apartment buildings surrounding a courtyard. This is the first time in the game that it is suggested that The Angel of Darkness takes place in winter.

Lara must access Mathias Vasiley's apartment through the sewers that run underneath the courtyard. Vasiley's building consists of several corridors of backrooms that leads onto a grand entrance hall decorated in Art Nouveau style. Lara must access his office that is hidden beneath the floor, retrieve the last Obscura Engraving and get some more information on the Nephilim, the Periapt Shards and the Sanglyph.

In this level Lara meets Luddick, a Czech newspaper reporter who can help her gain access to the Strahov.


  • Find and enter Vasiley's apartment.
  • Find the next Obscura engraving.
  • Exit Vasiley's building.




  • Upper body strength upgrade