Shadow Powers

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Revision as of 18:54, 4 July 2009 by Tombraider1 (talk | contribs) (New page: the dopplegangers shadow powers revolve around her shadow meter. when it is full she can perform these following attacks. COMBAT SHADOW BLAST- is a attack where u can kill several enemie...)

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the dopplegangers shadow powers revolve around her shadow meter. when it is full she can perform these following attacks.


SHADOW BLAST- is a attack where u can kill several enemies at once. ( this attack is very usful when surrounded by enemies)

SHADOW FIRE- is where she is able to fire her pistols at a very fast speed.(this attack is not very powerful but usful)

SHADOW STRIKE- is a very powerful punch that lara performs to finish off enemies.(very effective for finishing off an enemie. not usful for fighting several at a time)


TRAVERSING ROCK VEINS- the doppleganger can do this only when her "shadow meter" is filled. otherwise she will slip off.

SHADOW SPRINTING- THIS IS A VERY UNIQUE tactic for getting away from danger. shadow meter has to have some juice in it.

LEDGE RUNNING- lara can run along ledges very fast when her meter is filled.

SHADOW ACROBATICS- this is a line of gymnastics at a very fast pace. useful for dodging etir or for just showing off! :)

--Tombraider1 16:54, 4 July 2009 (UTC)TOMBRAIDER1--Tombraider1 16:54, 4 July 2009 (UTC)