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The Ducati is a motor cycle im Tomb Raider Legend. It is commonly used by Rutland's and Amanda's men to get around.

Lara arrives in Ghana driving her own Ducati.

Lara herself has to drive one a couple of times througout the game. In Peru she steals one from the mercenaries. In Japan she finds a Ducati Superbike 999 and races it across the rooftops. In Kazakhstan Lara again steals one, this time for Amanda's mercenaries.

In England Lara arrives at a Museum in Cornwall again driving her own Ducati.



Lara finds the first one, a Ducati Monster, in Peru, in the Level [[]]. Rutland's Mercenaries have left it behind for her to steal. Lara uses the bike to chase after the truck hunting her friend Anaya in her Jeep Wrangler. At the end of the chase Lara drives it up onto a truck and leaves it there. It is probably destroyed, when the truck titls over.

In Japan, in the Level Meeting with Takamoto, Lara will find a red Ducati Superbike 999 in a room on the roof. She has to use this bike to perform a daring stunt, jumping across an unfinished bridge from one roof to the next. The bike will be destroyed in the process.

In Ghana, in the Level Level Pursuing James Rutland, Lara arrives, driving her own bike, we will later see her driving it again in Cornwall, in the Level King Arthur's Tomb? zu sehen bekommen.

In Kazakhstan in the Level m Level Project Carbonek Lara will again take someone elses bike to chase after the Train.