Articles:2017/12/07/Third Reboot Tomb Raider Game Confirmed

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Today Square Enix confirmed via their Social Media channels that a new Tomb Raider Game set in the reboot universe is in the making.

Square Enix is excited to share some big news with you next year. Honestly, we wish we could share it with you right now, but we’re taking a new approach this time.

A new Tomb Raider game is coming.

Driven by our goal of putting our fans first, we want you to know that it won’t be very long between the official reveal and when you can play.

Our journey together will begin with a major event in 2018. We simply can’t wait to take you on Lara Croft’s defining adventure.
Tomb Raider Twitter Account[1]

As for now, neither a release date nor a title - previously rumoured to be "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" - has been confirmed officially, so stay tuned for more news in 2018!

