Survival Instincts

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Survival Instincts is one of the new features in Tomb Raider (2013). It enables you to spot important game play elements (like structural weaknesses, climbing spots...), ammunition (like Arrows for the Bow) or your target. When you enter Survival Instincts, all these elements are lit up in a yellow light.

Lara has a keen sense of Survival that can be relied upon to find items and objectives or determine what needs to be done next. Pressing the Survival Instinct key will cause anything that can be used or attacked to light up as well as displaying the Objective Beacon which guides Lara towards her next destination.
TOMB RAIDER Instructions Booklet[1]


  • Xbox 360: LB
  • PS3: L2


  1. TOMB RAIDER Instructions Booklet via Steam, PC version, page 4. Retrieved on Jan 1st 2015.