Talk:Main Page

From WikiRaider
Revision as of 21:26, 25 August 2005 by Tombraidergirl (talk | contribs)

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I really, really do like the idea of WikiRaider, but the thing is u should advertise it much. Make this site alive. I like TR series a lot and sometimes I want to know something and it's hard to find any source of information. I see u've made just basic terms and briefly described some locations. I also see u do it alone, but don't worry, a lot of us- TR fans would help you. It seems to me I'm the first one to add something in here and I'm very proud of myself. I'm gonna visit ya often. Good luck- the biggest ever TR encyclopedia! --Beast 00:01, 23 Mar 2005 (CET)

Hey beast, thank you for your interest. I have just getting started, so naturally a lot of stuff is still missing. And I have done most of it alone till now, I don't know everything, and I need much more time. ;-) I do my best in advertising it, on my sites, in forums I visit, getting it into google. Problem is, most of the topsiteslists and webrings don't work as well as they did years ago, so I didn't bother in entering it there. --Tombraidergirl 19:15, 27 Mar 2005 (CEST)

One more thing, I am going to open up all articles I had protected. I hope that noone will mess with it, but then you guys can edit where you think it's useful. --Tombraidergirl 19:25, 27 Mar 2005 (CEST)

I just added/changed stuff in a lot of the pages (added more details to some weapons and baddies) then read how you are not supposed to edit it or something in WikiRaider:About. Is it ok? --MMAN 21:06, 22 august 2005 (CEST)

No, it's alright. I feared that too much damage would be done, but so far it has been not that bad. I have changed the rules, but apparently not everywhere. --Tombraidergirl 21:26, 25 Aug 2005 (CEST)