Thor's Gauntlets

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Thor's Gauntlet is one of the artifacts collected by Lara in Tomb Raider Underworld. She comes across the item in the Mediterranean level, after fighting the Kraken.


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Fan speculation

When she first finds the gauntlet, Lara notices that it is like an ordinary glove. However after she touches it the glove falls apart, leaving only a small piece intact, a piece which is maybe similar size in size to the Ghalali Key. In the game menu we learn that the larger parts of the gauntlet were added to the original piece at a later date. The gauntlet gives super-strength to the user and is probably required to wield Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer. Fan speculation suggests that the gauntlet will be usable by Lara to move heavy objects.


in ancient glove form
Thor's Gauntlet
The Gauntlet activated