Kold Kin Kade

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Kold Kin Kade is a character in Tomb Raider Anniversary. He is one of Natla's Goons. He also appeared in Tomb Raider as a Shotgun-wielding bald guy.

Tomb Raider

Kold was not given a specific name or background in the first Tomb Raider. He wielded a shotgun.

Tomb Raider Anniversary

Info From The Game

Kin Kade is Jacqueline Natla's bodyguard. It is difficult to know what hold she has over him, because he is a brutal and vicious killer, as his criminal record shows. Kin Kade spent 15 years in jail after being apprehended by police in the middle of a vicious and disturbingly elaborate murder. He earned the name Kold in prison, where his sociopathic behavior and the unexplained deaths of several cell mates resulted in the majority of his term being spent in solitary confinement. Despite all this, his tenure in lock-up only seems to have refined his innate talents and, against fervent protests from the prison psychiatrist, he was released on parole into the custody of Jacqueline Natla.

In Anniversary, he no longer uses a shotgun. Instead, he uses a large combat knife.

Tomb Raider Underworld

At present, Kold is listed as a character in Underworld at the imdb site [1]. This means that Kold may come back as a character in Tomb Raider Underworld!