Tomb of Qualopec

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Template:Levelline|Tomb of Qualopec
Template:Levelline|Tomb Raider
Level No 4
Secrets 3
Length 15 minutes
Location South America, Peru
Template:Levelline|Level Chronology
Lost Valley Tomb of Qualopec St. Francis' Folly

Tomb of Qualopec is the fourth level of the original Tomb Raider, and the last level of the Peru section.



This is the burial site of the Atlantean king Qualopec. It contains an assortment of puzzles and traps which protect the piece of the Scion that still rests within the tomb, watched over by Qualopec's skeleton.

As Lara leaves the tomb she encounters Larson who, after a showdown, reveals that Natla has sent another tomb raider, Pierre DuPont, on the search for another piece of the Scion. After breaking into Natla's headquarters, Lara follows Pierre's trail to St. Francis' Folly.
