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{{Infobox Artefact
#REDIRECT [[The Hand Of Orion]]
| name                      = The Hand Of Orion
| image                    = Handoforion.jpg
| type                      =
| created_date              =
| created_place            =
| disappeared_date          =
| disappeared_place        =
| found_date                = 1999
| found_place              = [[Egypt]]
| destroyed_date            =
| destroyed_place          =
| current_status            =
| occurrence_game          = [[The Last Revelation]]
| level_found              = [[Burial Chambers]]
| level_used                = [[Burial Chambers]]
| occurrence_movie          =
| occurrence_comic          =
| occurrence_book          =
'''The Hand Of Orion''' is a minor [[artefact]] and a [[key]] found in the level [[Burial Chambers]] in [[Last Revelation]].
Lara picks it up in the second chamber of the level which is rigged with [[Spikes]] in the shape of a spike tunnel. The artefact is used a few chambers further away from the initial spot it was found, opening the path to the rest of the level.
A star-shaped, hollow artefact with a blue and brown coloring.
The artefact is not known to have any special powers. When placed onto its receptacle, a door opens, leading further into the chambers.
==See Also==
* [[The Hand Of Sirius]]
: A very similar star-shaped [[artefact]] found also in the level [[Burial Chambers]].
<br clear="all" />
[[Category:The Last Revelation]]
[[de:Die Hand des Orion]]

Latest revision as of 20:13, 29 December 2014

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