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Notable '''Quotes''' from the [[Games]], the [[Comics]], the [[Movies]] and the [[Novels]]:
Notable '''Quotes''' from the [[Games]], the [[Comics]], the [[Movies]] and the [[Novels]] can be found on the following pages.
Notable '''Quotes''' from the [[Core Design]] [[Games]]:
===Tomb Raider===
===Tomb Raider===
{{mainarticle|Tomb Raider Story}}
* Larson: What's a man got to do to get that kinda attention from ya?
* Lara: It's hard to say, exactly, but you seem to be doing fine.
* Larson: Well, great. Though, truth is, it ain't me that wants ya.
* Lara: No?
* Larson: No. Miss Jacqueline Natla does, from Natla Technologies.You know, creator of all things bright and beautiful [he laughs]
[Natla appears on the screen of a laptop]
* Natla: Seal it, Larson.
* Larson: Ma'am...
[the screen shows money falling down]
* Natla: Feast your eyes on this, Lara. How does that make your wallet rumble?
* Lara: I'm sorry. I only play for sport.
* Natla: Then you'll like a big park- Peru. Vast mountain ranges to cover. Sheer walls of ice, rocky crag, savage winds. And there's this little trinket – an age old artefact of mystical powers buried in the unfound tomb of Qualopec. That's my interest. You could leave tomorrow. Are you busy tomorrow?
* Lara: Relocated now to St. Francis' Folly, new temptations torment me. (her voice is changed to a Monk's voice speaking)
* Monk: Rumour amongst my fellow brothers is that entombed beneath our monastery is the body of Tihocan, one of the three legendary rulers of the lost continent, Atlantis......and that with him lies his piece of the Atlantean Scion. The pendant divided and shared between the three rulers......which curbs tremendous powers. Power beyond the creator himself. My toes sweat at such possibilities lying so close to my mortal soul. Each night I beat myself rid of these fantasies, but it is indeed a test.
* Lara: Pierre. (Tsk) You litterbug.
* Lara: Well you have my total attention now, I'm not quite sure if I've got yours though. Hello?
* Larson: You and that drivelling piece of the Scion. You want to keep it so bad, I'll harness it right up yer...
* Lara: Wait. We're talking about the artefact here?
* Larson: Damn straight, we are. Right up...
* Lara: Hold on. I'm sorry. This piece you say...where's the rest?
* Larson: Miss Natla put Pierre DuPont on that trail.
* Lara: And where is that?
* Larson: Hah, you ain't fast enough for him.
* Lara: So you think all this talking is just holding me up?
* Larson: I don't know where his little jack-rabbit frog legs are running him to. You'll have to ask Miss Natla.
He tries to reach for his gun and Lara knocks him out with a kick]
* Lara: Thank you. I will.
* Kold/Bald Guy: You just pulled the tough end of a wishbone.
* Cowboy: Howdy.
* Lara: (politely) Afternoon.
* Natla: Left Larson sucking wind then, eh?
* Lara: If that is the phrase.
* Natla: Well, your little vacation riot’s over now. Time to give back what you’ve hijacked off me.
* Lara: Ow!
* Kold/Bald Guy: Let’s try the lunchbox.
* Natla: Well? Kill her!
* Cowboy: Hey!
* Natla: You morons!
* Natla: Let’s go.
* Kold/Bald Guy: What the heck was that?
* Kid: What?
* Kold/Bald Guy: That.
* Kid: Probably just a fish.
* Kold/Bald Guy: That’s some fish, kid.
* Kid: Man, you have got to learn to chill. I’m going back inside. You coming?
* Kid: Steady. Here she goes.
* Natla: You ready yet?
* Natla: (screams) You can’t do this!
* Qualopec: We condemn you, Natla of Atlantis, for your crimes. For your flagrant misuse of your powers and for robbing us of our…
* Natla: You can’t! I…
* Qualopec: Breaking the free bond of consent that our people are ruled and secured under, and invading Tihocan and myself with our own army. Our warriors emptied from our pyramid so that you could use the pyramid – its powers of creation – for your own mindless destruction.
* Natla: Mindless!? Look at you! Neither of you have one squirt of inventive juice in your heads. Wasters!
* Qualopec: (turns to Tihocan) Let’s just do it.
* Natla: (pleads) Tihocan!
* Tihocan: You used the sacramental place as a source for your individual pleasure, as some freak factory.
* Natla: They’re survivalists. A new generation.
* Tihocan: A slaughter heap now. And you. We’re going to lock you in limbo. Make your veins, heart, feet, and that diseased brain stick solid with frozen blood. Greet your eternal rest, Natla.
* Natla: You won’t rest either, or your damned continent of Atlantis!
* Natla: Back again?
* Lara: And you? For a grand re-opening I assume.
* Natla: Evolution's in a rut. Natural selection in an all time low. Shipping out fresh meat will incite territorial rages again…will strengthen and advance us. Even create new breeds.
* Lara: Kind of evolution on steroids then.
* Natla: A kick in the pants. Those runts Qualopec and Tihocan had no idea. The cataclysm of Atlantis struck a race of langering wimps. Plummeted them to the very basics of survival again.. it shouldn’t happen like that.
* Lara: Or like this
* Voice: Hatching commences in 15 seconds.
* Natla: To late for abortions now.
* Lara: Not without the heart of the operation.
[Lara holds her gun up to the Scion]
* Natla: No!!!!
[She jumps at Lara and they fall off the ledge and Natla falls into the lava pit below while Lara grabbed onto the edge blow and pulls herself up]
* Voice: 10....5,4,3,2,1....
===Tomb Raider II===
===Tomb Raider II===
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* Lara: Don't you think you've seen enough!? [picks up shotgun and fires]
* Lara: Don't you think you've seen enough!? [picks up shotgun and fires]
===Tomb Raider III===
===Tomb Raider III===
[Lara emerges from the caves to see a boat coming upstream]
*Willard: Hey!
[Lara grins as the boat pulls up to the bank]
* Willard: I didn't want to be mispresented by that retarded researcher you've just been with.
*Lara: Lara.
*Willard: I'm Dr. Willard, I've come to converse with Tony myself, but I saw that you were doing a more creditable job, I think. Indeed, I'm inspired, I'd like to offer you other work.
*Lara: What? Shoot the breeze with some of your other boys? No thanks.
* Lara: So, how did it end up here?
* Lara: So, how did it end up here?
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* Lara: You forget. I might be quite hungry myself. Famished actually.
* Lara: You forget. I might be quite hungry myself. Famished actually.
===[[The Last Revelation]] - Tomb Raider IV===
===Tomb Raider IV The Last Revelation===
* Werner: And so, we breach the sanctum of the ancients. The first foot falls in this tomb for centuries.
* Werner: And so, we breach the sanctum of the ancients. The first foot falls in this tomb for centuries.
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[Lara dives in the water to look for artefacts, but comes back empty handed]
[Lara dives in the water to look for artefacts, but comes back empty handed]
* Lara: Your average priceless seaweed.
* Lara: Your average priceless seaweed.
*Werner: No prizes for you this time, Lara!
[Lara prepares to exit the temple, but hears Von Croy's voice nearby]
[Lara prepares to exit the temple, but hears Von Croy's voice nearby]
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* Werner: [shouting] I couldn't leave you!
* Werner: [shouting] I couldn't leave you!
===[[Chronicles]] - Tomb Raider V===
[Winston and Father Patrick are in a limo watching the news]
* Announcer: In world news, a private memorial service was held today for renowned archaeologist Lara Croft.
* Father Patrick: 'Tis a sad day, Winston.
* Winston: She will live on forever in our hearts...
* Father Patrick: Surely, Winston, and for this is but a memorial service. There may yet be news from Von Croy in Egypt.
* Winston: Indeed. We can only hope and pray that she may yet return to us. But I fear Von Croy digging in the hopes of discovering her alive may only be met with black reality.
* Father Patrick: Indeed. Indeed.
* Larson: Well, gol' darn, ain't she just a picture?
* Lara: Ah, the charming Mr. Larson. Has Pierre let you off the leash? Talking of which, where is our learned friend?
* Larson: Aw, he's around. You got the cash?
* Lara: I've got the cash, but I don't deal with the monkey.
* Larson: Well now, that ain't polite for a lady...even if the monkey has the Mercury Stone?
[He shows her a glowing yellow gem. Lara picks up a black briefcase, filled with money]
* Lara: Lucky I'm in a generous mood.
[Pierre emerges and points a gun at her head]
* Lara: Ah, crawled out from under your rock, I see.
* Pierre: No need for unpleasantries, Miss Croft. I'm afraid I must once again relieve you of your burden.
* Lara: Easy come, easy go.
[Pierre takes the briefcase and prepares to leave, but Lara places her hand on the railing. Like a true gentleman, Pierre bends to kiss her hand. Lara stands up and kicks him, making the stone fly away from him. She catches it and leaps onto the balcony railing. Then she leaps out over the orchestra and grabs the curtain. She slides down to the stage where the spectators applause. Lara bows then runs offstage while Pierre starts to fire. Pierre and Larson run downstairs after her]
* Larson: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
[Lara runs out of the building by the stage door and hops onto a deliveryman's scooter. Larson and Pierre get into an empty taxi and follow]
* Larson: Buckin' bronco, baby!
[Seeing the end of a narrow alley, Lara jumps of the bike and rolls under a low metal gate]
* Larson: We ain't gonna make that gap, boss.
* Pierre: We'll make it.
* Larson: Ain't gonna.
[They crash into the gate]
* Larson: What did *I* tell you?
* Pierre: Mon Dieu!
[Lara blows them a kiss and walks off]
[Larson,after shooting at Lara from above a roof is stopped by Pierre at the last second]
* Larson: What?!
* Pierre: Idiot... idiot! What does the cowboy achieve with this mindless firing?
* Larson: Ain't mindless.. ain't we tryin' to kill'er anymore then?
* Pierre: You were kicked in the head by a horse, oui? So the brain doesn't work correctly...
* Larson: How'd you know about that?
* Pierre: Never mind, never mind... We'll wait 'till she collects the other pieces, it this fashion we have both prizes at no extra efforts.
* Larson: You're one clever cookie, boss.
* Pierre: Comparatively, yes. Now, let's get off this roof, and I will buy you a milkshake.
* Jean Yves: The Zapadnaya Litsa port. Once the pride of the Russian fleet.
[Lara sees through her binoculars that two cars enter the base]
* Jean Yves: Ex-KGB the majority of them. Trained killers.
* Lara: Dealt with Mafioso before... unpleasant memories. Prefer to avoid them whenever possible.
* Jean Yves: Yes, I would prefer this also.
[Through the binoculars she observes the presence of only a few small boats]
* Lara: Hardly a major search party, is it? There's something you're not telling me.
* Jean Yves: Ah, yes.
* Lara: I'm a big girl now. Hit me with the bad news.
* Jean Yves: It is... bad news. The admiral's allegiance has been bought and under his command a nuclear submarine. It's housed in one of the dockyards.
* Lara: Well done. Nuclear submarine... sounds nice... perfect holiday.
* Jean Yves: Lara, wait. Take this tracking device.
* Lara: What's this? You're not worried about me.
* Jean Yves: Yes. Someone has to.
[He hands her the tracking device]
* Lara: Touching... but don't wait up.
* Mikhailov: Move your men along. I do not pay such extortional prices for incompetence.
* Admiral Yarofev: You forget, Mikhailov, I am still an admiral of the Russian navy, and as such, demand respect.
* Mikhailov: While you accept my bribes for use of the submarine, you are under my employ and will follow my instructions without complaint.
* Admiral Yarofev:  If I deal with the likes of you to keep my men in bread, it does not make me one of you.
* Mikhailov: Relax, my friend. We are two sides of the same coin.
* Admiral Yarofev: [in a low voice] Mafioso filth.
[The Admiral faces one of his men]
* Admiral Yarofev: Kruschev, hurry on with that box. Our new commander demands efficiency.
[A box is lowered into the sub]
* Admiral Yarofev: Enough! Enough! Board and seal hatches!
[The Mafioso and Yarofev prepare to board]
* Mikhailov: As you have promoted me to commander, is it not fitting to board before the admiral?
[Lara uses a crane to get onto the deck of the submarine. She then fights a sailor on the deck, knocking him unconscious and running into the cargo hold. The doors are then heard swinging shut]
* Lara: Hmph. Economy class.
[Several hours later, Lara is resting against a crate. The door in front of her suddenly swings open. Admiral Yarofev enters, escorted by two armed crewmen]
* Admiral Yarofev: An unwelcome addition to our little assignment. Leonid, if you would escort this lady to the brig...
[The two crewmen approach her from both sides and pat her down, then wave her forward. As they do so, Lara addresses Yarofev}
* Lara: Your little assignment? You have no idea what your mafia-financed assignment is, do you?
* Admiral Yarofev: Young lady, who you are and what you know is of very little concern to me. If I was captain of my ship, I might listen to you. But unfortunately, the situation I find myself in doesn't allow me this privilege.
[The Admiral moves to allow them passage, moving his arm as if welcoming her in]
* Admiral Yarofev: So if you would be quiet and hurry along like a good little girl...
[Lara, the Admiral and the two crewmen move to the brig. A crewman unlocks the door]
* Admiral Yarofev: Inside, please.
[A crewman pushes the open, Lara enters soon after]
* Lara: You are making a grave mistake, you know that?
[The door slams shut, and the two crewmen now stand to the side of the door. Yarofev begins to address them]
* Admiral Yarofev: Under no circumstances open this door! You understand?
[The crewmen salute. As Yarofev turns to leave, they glance to each other]
[Having escaped the brig, Lara moves through the sub's ventalation shafts. Passing a grate in the vent, she looks through spies Mikhailov and Yarofev in the command room. Mikhailov is looking through the submarines periscope]
* Mikhailov: Then it is true! We are before the stricken U-Boat. Now to find if it's cargo is still intact. Prepare your divers.
[Mikhailov pulls the periscope up and turns to Yarofev]
* Admiral Yarofev: And are we to be told what we are searching for?
* Mikhailov: Enough to locate it, da, but beyond that I fear it may be too much for your limited intellect to grasp.
* Admiral Yarofev: Perhaps to much for mine, trusted comrade. But perhaps not for the spy we have located on-board.
* Mikhailov: A spy?! I trust you disposed of him?
* Admiral Yarofev: Not Him! Her! You idiot! We are forced to run with the wolves, but we shall not kill indiscriminately like they.
* Mikhailov: Fool! I shall dispose of her some other time. Move the sub to position quickly, comrade!
[Admiral Yarofev looks through the periscope]
* Admiral Yarofev: Take her five degrees to starboard, quarter power then bring her to a full stop.
[Yarofev pulls the periscope up]
* Admiral Yarofev: Attention all dive crews! Report to your stations immediately!
[Lara, equipped in the [[Extreme Depth Suit]], enters the sunken U-Boat and finds a crate. Moving to the crate, she opens it and recovers the spear of destiny]
* Lara: Ahhh...Who could believe it?
[As she puts the spear in a compartment in her suit, the submarine suddenly shifts. A heavy beam falling from the ceiling strikes the suit, damaging it]
* Lara: Puncture! Time to leave.
[Lara returns to the submarine, taking off the damaged Extreme Depth Suit and taking the spear from the compartment on the suit. As she does so, Mikhailov arrives with two mafioso]
* Mikhailov: Ah, our unannounced visitor! I fear you have an item in your possession that I require.
* Lara: To be used in your continuing quest for world peace, I presume?
* Mikhailov: World peace, not entirely my purpose in pursuing this artefact...
* Lara: This artefact contains untold power. Power the likes of you could never harness. If you wish it, you may have it. But you ''will'' regret it.
* Mikhailov: The world may regret it. Hand it to me and I may spare you.
* Lara: On your head, be it.
[Lara throws the spear to Mikhailov, who catches it and holds it close]
* Mikhailov: Take her to the torpedo room, and eject her into the ocean.
[One of the mafioso holsters his guns, approaches and grips Lara by the arms]
* Lara: Sergei, listen to me! You don't know what your dealing with!
[As Lara is lead away, Mikhailov begins to stroke the spear, paying no heed to her words. As the three of them exit the room, Mikhailov suddenly lets out a scream. The spear's power has lifted him off of the ground. Bolts of power strike at him, causing smoke to rise from his body. Lara looks on, when an explosion suddenly erupts and the room goes dark. Using it as a distraction, Lara knocks both mafioso unconscious as the sub begins to fill with water]
[Lara finds Admiral Yarofev, injured, sitting against a wall in a water-logged room. Lara approaches to kneel by his side]
* Admiral Yarofev: [in a low, slurred voice] I knew that dog Sergei would be the end of us all. He infects my ship with his greed and now, we are all doomed.
* Lara: We have a chance, the escape pod! C'mon, I'll help you!
* Admiral Yarofev: I do this only to help my men. He babbles of the Biblical spear and I feed his madness for money to feed our families. And now. To this. Corpses left for the fishes.
[Lara grips Yarofev by the shoulders, shaking him to get him to pay attention]
* Lara: Yarofev! I can help you! But you must help me. The ship is about to impact into the ocean bed and then our time is up. We must hurry!
[Yarofev lets out a loud cough]
* Admiral Yarofev: The escape pods have no internal air supply. You will find oxygen tanks in the state room. I hear my ship dying. The internal seams are splintering.
[Lara returns to Yarofev after inserting the oxygen tanks into the escape pod. She goes to Yarofev's side, who promptly swats her away, saying something in Russian]
* Admiral Yarofev: No time! The hull is breached and we will drown soon. With the oxygen. You, escape. Now!
* Lara: Not without you.
* Admiral Yarofev: I am Admiral Yarofev of the Russian Imperial Navy! I have served my great country for many years. But the country I know withers, the bear lies down to sleep for it's final time. And I wish also this fate, on the ship I have grown to love.
* Lara: No deal.
* Admiral Yarofev: Yes, deal! For the outer airlock can only be opened from inside the ship. This is my gift to you child. I release you to a future beyond this dying vessel.
[Lara kneels down next to him]
* Lara: And my gift to you?
* Admiral Yarofev: Tell my story. Tell how the proud men of the Russian Navy fought against the enemy from inside and sacrificed their lives for that their country may once again stand proud!
[Lara stands]
* Lara: You have my word.
* Admiral Yarofev: I salute you. Quickly, into the airlock! And I release you.
[Lara ascends the nearby ladder to the escape pod, but not before looking down to the Admiral one final time]
* Lara: Goodbye Admiral.
[Lara ascends the ladder]
[The scene fades in on the hull of the submarine. Admiral Yarofev sits in the stricken ship, wounded and holding his chest. As the escape pod carrying Lara streaks away from the sub, the power of the spear approaches the wounded Yarofev. He looks on in horror as the power approaches, tbe escape pod continuing to race away. The power overwhelms him, and the submarine suddenly explodes. Jean Yves stands in his ship and sees a blip on his radar. Grabbing a rifle, he goes out on deck, only to see Lara emerge from the pod. The scene then fades back to the group in front of the fireplace, with Yves standing and gazing out of a window]
* Jean Yves: Lara saw enough of the power of this artefact to recognize it's rightful place was where man could never misuse it.
* Father Patrick: And not enough for it to destroy her. Some powers are beyond the wit of man.
[A sudden flash of lightning is seen and a crack of thunder is heard. The power goes out]
* Winston: Oh dear, gentlemen. I do apologize. It seems someone up above has a sense of humor. If you will excuse me for a moment, I shall fetch candles.
* Jean Yves: It is a night spurred by hell.
* Father Patrick: And as the horsemen drove ever onwards across the world, the heavens boiled at their wake.
[Jean Yves turns to face Father Patrick]
* Father Patrick: Ah. The benefits of a religious education.
* Zip: Ok, Miss Croft, I'm presuming, by the lack of communication that you're at Industries building, right? Containing our little prize- the Iris?
[Lara talks through her headset]
* Lara: Affirmative.
* Zip: Right! Now this is what you're good at, yeah? Time to switch roofs.
* Lara: Switch roofs? Easy to say from the ground floor. Wouldn't you agree?
* Zip: C'mon now! Stiff upper lip! Top hole and all that! Time to get hip with Zip!
* Lara: Gone.
[Lara hang-glides to the roof of the next building, but the flight is disturbed by strong wind. She starts to loose control but soon regains it. Zip hears a high-pitch sound in his headset]
* Zip: Yow! Jimi Hendrix is back! Lara? You there, Lara? Croft, are you gettin' this?
* Lara: Fly me.
* Zip: Geez, now that was a blast! What the hell happened?
* Lara: Never mind Yankee, I'm going in.
* Zip: Ok, you've been a bad girl, and before I tell you what your punishment is, I just want to say that there's no point in arguing 'cause I ain't gonna be listenin'. Take all your metal items-- yes, guns is metal...and put 'em in the tray. Now!
* Lara: So, you're telling me to disarm myself in a building crawling with armed guards?
* Zip: Now if I was listening, which I ain't, like I told you before, I would counteract this argument by alerting the person asking me this to the fact guns ain't good against ten foot tall walking tanks anyway! But I ain't listening, so I ain't sayin' nothin'.
* Lara: I'm doing it. But if you mess this up...
* Zip: Alright, I'm listening again. And trust me, I ain't going to mess this up, okay?
* Lara: Do I have a choice?
* Zip: Nope.
* Zip: Lara are you there? Lara? Lara! You broke? You ain't dead, is ya? C'mon girl, answer me!
* Lara: Gonna be sore in the morning...
* Zip: I knew you was too tough for a fall like that.
* Lara: I'm on the ground floor, aren't I?
* Zip: Bing! Ground floor: depart here for gun-toting refrigerator men and long walk back upstairs. Sorry girl, you got it, but hell, you in one piece, ain't ya?
[Lara starts coughing]
* Lara: Never felt better.
===[[Angel of Darkness]] - Tomb Raider VI===
[At the beginning of the game]
* Narrator: There have been 17 reported murders so far in this latest outbreak of Monstrum killings. It would appear to be the work of a single highly psychotic perpetrator. The name of the latest victim was just released: professor Werner Von Croy. A female, described as Caucasian, brunette, and wearing a pony-tail was seen leaving the most recent crime-scene. Officers are advised to use extreme caution when apprehending the suspect. At present, nothing appears to link any of the individuals involved. There are no known survivors of these attacks, so far.
* Lara: Not alot of passing trade at this hour?
* Janice: It's early yet. Move along ma chère, you make the place look crowded.
* Pierre [from Cafe Metro]: That information is very dangerous.
* Lara: I'm a dangerous girl, and right now I'm losing patience!
* Lara: What happened to your man in the room out there, Bouchard?
* Bouchard: To Arnaud? You've got something to say about that?
* Lara: Maybe. It might be linked to what happened to a friend of mine.
* Bouchard: I doubt it. Get out of here.
* Lara: Do you know the name Eckhardt?
* Bouchard: Never heard of him.
* Lara: Ok. You helped a friend of mine a while back. Werner Von Croy.
* Bouchard: Names don't mean a lot here. Even real ones. What did he want?
* Lara: Maps and information, on the Louvre.
* Bouchard: I remember. Four weeks ago. Wanted to take a couch load of Japanese tourists to see the Mona Lisa.
[After being knocked over, Lara is found by Bouchard]
* Bouchard: You ok?
* Lara: Bouchard! What are you doing here?
* Bouchard: No time now. Quickly!
* Lara: Was anyone around when you got here?
* Bouchard: No. No one. Come on!
* Lara: Bouchard, I must get to Von Croy's apartment. There's something I have to check out there.
* Bouchard: Your friend's place. Of course. Where is it?
* Lara: Rue Valise. The Chantell building. Do you know it?
* Bouchard: My driver will. Get it.
[They both climb in the car]
* Lara: What were you doing at the Louvre?
* Bouchard: Trawling police short wave. You were attracting a lot of attention in there. I figured you might need help.
* Lara: Thanks.
* Bouchard: Wouldn't you prefer somewhere safer than your friend's apartment?
* Lara: I found some leads in the Louvre that may link to his death. I have to check is apartment.
* Bouchard: We're almost there.There's something you should know. The police bands were full of details of another Monstrum killing- in Prague.
* Lara: Prague!? Not a dealer named Vasiley? Mathias Vasiley
* Bouchard: Yes. You knew him?
* Lara: He's connected with what I need to find at Von Croy's apartment.
[Bouchard begins to sit up]
* Lara: I need to go in alone.
* Bouchard:Ok, I'll wait here.
* Lara: Appreciate it, Bouchard.
[After she leaves, Bouchard makes a phone call ]
* Bouchard: She's inside now. You can send in the cleaner.
* Bouchard [over the Cleaner's cellular phone]: Is she taken care of yet? Hello? Is she dead yet? We have to get back to Prague.
* Lara: No, Bouchard. She isn't. But your little friend is. I'll take care of you later.
[She throws away the cellular phone]
* Lara: It's time I visited Prague.
* Lara: If I had a coconut for every time some lunatic said something like that...
* Eckhardt: Congratulations Miss Croft, you are positively Amazonian. That Vault has defeated us for months.
* Lara: What do you want, Eckhardt?
* Eckhardt: I'm not interested in you or your friend, Miss Croft. Give me the Painting and you may both leave.
* Lara: What choice do I have?...
[Kurtis,unconscious, is pushed of the platform]
* Eckhardt: Gunderson, release Boaz. This old colleague of mine was once a human- before she displeased me.
[Muller follows Eckhardt as he begins to move away]
* Eckhardt: Not you Muller, you useless piece of dross! You failed me too!
[Muller is pushed of the platform and falls victim to Boaz.]
* Kurtis: Come on. I'll give you a boost.
[Lara jumps on the above platform]
* Lara: Kurtis, quick!
* Kurtis: Here! Take these two!
[He throws her the Shards]
* Lara: These are your speciality, Kurtis.
* Kurtis: Go on! You're wasting time! Don't worry about ugly here. I can take care of her.
* Eckhardt: Still alive, Miss Croft? You are resilient. But over the decades I've killed more mortals like you than I can remember.
* Lara: And stole their body parts like a cheap grave robber.
* Eckhardt: As I will now take yours.
* Lara: To wake this thing? You are grotesque!
* Eckhardt: Only my great arts can cause the higher race to flourish again.
* Lara: So, I guess it's up to me to stop you then?
* Eckhardt: I hunted down and killed the last of the Lux Veritatis. I am immortal!
[Lara holds one Shard in the air]
* Eckhard: The Shards!
* Lara: Scary, huh? For you.
* Eckhardt: It is my destiny to breed Hell on earth. You are nothing to me.
* Lara: D'you know it's going to be a real pleasure to shut you up.
[Lara prepares to stab Eckhardt with the Shard, but is stopped]
* Lara: Karel?!
* Eckhardt: Go on! Kill her!
[Karel pauses and turns to stab Eckhardt]
* Karel: I knew you'd find the third Shard.
* Lara: But why? You worked for him.
* Karel: No, unknowingly he worked for me, but his usefulness was ended.
* Lara: Will you destroy his work?
* Karel: Of course not. The Great Work will be finished. I'm offering you the chance to become part of a benign new order in the world.
* Lara: You are kidding! Right!
[Karel's appearance begins to change, his face is covered with marks]
* Karel: We Nephilim have only ever been trying to survive.
* Lara: Too many people have died for me to trust you. Including a good friend, Von Croy.
[He keep switching appearances, looking like Bouchard, Luddick and then Kurtis]
* Karel: He was an unfortunate victim of history, Lara. Eckhardt was stupid to have killed him. I have helped you all along, both here and in Paris. You can trust me Lara Croft.
[Lara sees the mark on his right hand]
* Lara: You killed Von Croy!
* Karel: Stupid mortal. So be it!
===[[Legend]] - Tomb Raider VII===
[Lara pulls down a bookcase in library with her grapple]
* Alister: Don't mind my offer to help you get it down in a less... calamitous manor.
* Lara: I didn't hear you offer at all, and especially not a calamitous one, but thanks all the same.
* Zip: Y'know, I think you forgot your climbing gear on purpose!
* Lara: What would give you that idea?
[She grabs the edge of a crevice, but the rock brakes and Lara falls. She quickly finds a new place to hang onto]
* Lara: Breathe Zip, it's like going up a set of stairs, only far less boring.
* Zip: Yeah? Well I wanna throw up every time you look down... Hey, Alister's back! [To Alister] Grab a headset.
* Lara: Back so soon? From Florence, wasn't it?
* Alister: Decided on Genoa at the last minute. My dissertation will never see daylight at this rate, but never mind that. What are you doing in Bolivia?
* Lara: Ascending.
* Zip: Do me a favour and check you PDA?
* Lara: It still works if that's what you're wondering.
* Zip: Cool! They said it was water-proof. You should be able to swim with it no problem. Unless you eat it. Then you'll have to wait an hour.
[Lara arrives in Ghana and looks at a beautiful waterfall]
* Lara: If all else fails, I can get into the postcard business.
[Lara manages to make an ancient trap mechanism work ]
* Zip: Congratulations, you've had your wish-- the place is a deathtrap.
* Lara: It needed a woman's touch.
[Through her binoculars Lara looks at a ruin]
* Lara: Isn't she beautiful? I'm falling in love all over again.
* Zip: You say that to all the ruins.
* Lara: They don't seem so keen on visitors these days...
* Zip: But hey, you're the one with the guns.
* Lara: You can't blame me for knowing how to accessorize. Any word from Anaya?
* Zip: She said she'll meet you at the statue in the marketplace.
* Lara: At least we'll have our privacy.
* Lara: Zip, did you speak to Takamoto?
* Zip: He didn't want to see you so I reminded him how much you hate the word no.
[Referring to Takamoto]
* Nishimura: He is a very dangerous man when his interest differ from yours.
* Lara: You'd be amazed how persuasive I can be. Even with dangerous men.
[Lara returns into the main hall after meeting Nishimura and sees Takamoto's goons firing at her. She jumps behind a bar. A goon heads to the bar, thinking Lara is a sure target. Lara stands up holding her pistols and kills the goons]
* Zip: Where'd you get those?
* Lara: Basic etiquette: never arrive at a party empty-handed.
[Lara shoots an explosive barrel and destroys an area]
* Zip: Nishimura's gonna bill you for that.
* Lara: It's not a party until something gets broken.
* Zip (to Alister): Man, I don't know what she's thinking. She's crazy!
* Lara: I can hear you, you know, and it's a tad distracting.
[Lara is outside and looking at a tall building]
* Lara: What a lovely evening to be outside.
* Zip: Uh oh, you know what that means.
* Alister: I'll get the Dimenhydrinate...
[Lara is in the King Arthur Museum and notices a button. A voiceover babbles about King Arthur and the Sword]
* Zip: Press that again - it's like electroshock therapy for Alister here!
* Zip: The connection isn't too strong, so you probably won't be able to hear much once you're under water.
* Lara: There is a God.
* Zip: Once again we find ourselves on top of a mountain with no climbing gear.
* Alister: And I doubt any of that snow and ice is stable. You should keep moving before it brakes on you.
* Lara: I have done this before, you know.
* Zip: It's usually someone else's past you're digging into.
* Lara: That's where you're wrong, Zip - this has always been what it's about
* Lara:Good advice Zip, you do look after me.
* Zip: You *and* Winston, he signs the checks.
[Lara needs to get across an area with the floor set on fire]
* Zip: No way your long jumping that!
* Lara: No, but it might have been worth trying just to hear you lads squeal about it.
[Lara uses Excalibur to blow open a door]
* Zip: Now THAT'S how you open a door!
* Lara: I prefer door knobs
[Lara has just opened the temple door in Ghana. Rutland notices her.]
* Rutland: Lara. You're a busy beaver aren't you.
* Lara: Oh look, it's Rutland.
* Lara: Fancy dropping down for a chat then?
* Rutland: Only if you can shoot this far.
* Lara: You know long distance relationships inevitably come to an end.
* Rutland: I'd wish you luck with that but..er..ya' know.
[Lara arrives in Bolivia Stone Dais]
* Lara: Everyone between me and the stone dies.
[Lara puts Excalibur in the Stone Dais]
* Amelia: What? Who are you?
* Lara: Mother, it's Lara, your daughter
* Amelia: Daughter?
* Lara: Don't touch the sword!
[Amanda awakes]
* Amanda: Take out the sword!
* Lara: What? No! Mother. Mother listen to me.
* Amanda: Everything will explode unless you pull out the sword!
===[[Anniversary]] - Tomb Raider VIII===
* Natla: My company has recently turned its focus on the study of ancient artifacts, and I am led to believe that with the right incentive, you are just the woman to find them for me.
* Lara: I'm afraid you've been mistaken. I only play for sport.
* Natla: Which is precisely why I've come to you Miss Croft. This is a game you've played before. 
[Lara is looking for Pierre among the columns]
* Pierre: I suppose you are more of a dog person.
* Lara: Natla doesn't honor her contracts, Pierre. I'd move on if I were you.
* Pierre: No, Mademoiselle. Natla and I understand each other. I find things for her and she rewards me handsomely. But you seek the very thing she does. That is why you are not trusted.
* Lara: I trust my instincts.
* Pierre: And that's why you are in second place. I, am a professional, Mademoiselle; I focus on the job, and I get paid.
* Lara: There's more to life than money, Pierre.
* Pierre: This isn't life, Mademoiselle. It's BUSINESS! Your compulsion prevents you from seeing the difference!
* Lara: It hasn't prevented me from getting a piece of the Scion. How's business for you?
* Pierre: [pause] Touché. So then, why don't we see whose compulsion gets them the next piece?
[Pierre is holding Lara at gunpoint]
* Pierre: You see, instincts can be expensive. Yours are going to cost you both pieces of the Scion.
* Lara: That's not a price I'm prepared to pay.
* Pierre: Don't be absurd; no job is worth dying for.
* Lara: [pause] Yes, it is.
[Lara finds out that the track has been blocked by a large crate. Larson walks out, holding up a fuse]
* Larson: Sorry, Darlin', this is the end of the line.
* Lara: [sighs] Just hand it over, Larson. This has nothing to do with you.
* Larson: What's it got to do with you? The Scion belongs to Natla. Face it, Lara; you've got no business here.
* Lara: I don't have time for this; get out of the way, or you die.
* Larson: [snorts] What are you going to do? Shoot me? Come on, I just work here. I know how bad you want this, but I can't let you pass. We both know you are not gonna kill me for it.
[Lara hesitates]
* Larson: That's just not who you are.
* Lara: [expression changes] I'm not who you think I am.
* Natla: What have you really accomplished here? Nothing, but a temporary stay of execution for your kind! This island is just one remnant of Atlantis; I will find another! But you, Lara, have lost EVERYTHING!
[Lara and Natla fight, which ends with Lara grappling one of the pillars down on top of Natla]
* Lara: No, I haven't.
''[Ed - isn't the dialogue in the Natla trial scene different to that in [[Tomb Raider]]?]''
===[[Underworld]] - Tomb Raider IX===
[Lara opens a door with Thor's first gauntlet]
* Lara: I can see where the rumors of Thor's godlike strength come from.
[Zip either pushes Winston back and shoots Lara]
* Zip: Look out!
* Winston: Stop! It's Lara!
* Zip: I know!
* Lara: Wait!
[She escapes from the shots and points the pistols to him]
* Lara: Drop it, Zip, or I'll drop you!
* Zip: What, so you can shoot me again?
* Winston: It wasn't Lara. Why would she set fire to her own home?
* Zip: She got into the vault. It had to be her.
* Lara: Is that what happened here? Someone blew upon the vault?
* Zip: All right, say it wasn't you. Someone who looked a hell a lot like you opened it using the retina scanner.
* Lara: Impossible.
* Zip: Exactly.
* Lara: Then what happened?
* Zip: You... she got away with Amanda's Wraith Stone.
* Lara: Where is Alister?
* Winston: We haven't seen him.
* Lara: I'm gonna to the tech room to watch the security video. You two get out before the roof comes down.
[Lara is in the rech room and realizes the doppelganger at the oter side]
* Lara: No...
[The doppelganger shoots Alister]
[Lara opens the room's doors and tries to fight the thing, but fails. After it escapes, Lara goes to Alister]
* Lara: Alister!
* Alister: I feel... bloody awful.
* Lara: Shhh... Just lie still.
* Alister: I'll see... you...
* Lara: Alister, hold on!
* Alister: ...see you... in... Avalon.
[He dies]
* Lara: Damnit!
[Lara, Zip and Winston escape the burning manor. Lara paces the grounds, frustrated.]
* Zip: Ahh. No!
[Winston exams Alister's neck to see if he is still alive, but he wasn't anymore]
* Zip: What the hell was that thing?
* Lara: I've only seen something like it once before - a doppelganger that Natla sent after me years ago, but that one didn't have a mind of its own.
* Winston: But how could Natla have sent it if she's Amanda's prisioner?
* Lara: They're a team of sorts now. Amanda and Natla, her pet Atlantean god.
* Zip: What are we going to do?
* Lara: After I deal with the authorities, I'm going to southern Mexico to retrieve Thor's Belt.
* Zip: What?! Alister is dead! And... It's just... business as usual?!
* Lara: I need Thor's belt to get his hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a god.
[Lara gets closer of Natla's chamber]
* Lara: Avalon, Helheim, I don't care what it's called. Where is it?
* Natla: Look at all you have done. Incredible. I will never doubt you again.
* Lara: Tell me, now!
* Natla: Very well.
[Natla writes something in the glass with her fire powers]
* Natla: But, before you put me to death, tell me: are you prepared to wait for Odin to appear and perform the ritual to open Helheim?
* Lara: And you know this ritual, of course.
* Natla: I'm sure you've realized that I want to get to Avalon just as much as you do. But neither of us can go alone. You need my ritual and I need you hammer.
* Lara: If... no, when you step out of line, you'll get it,
[Amanda and doppelganger appears]
* Amanda: Stop!
[Lara finds her mother, who is looking to the void]
* Lara: Mother? It's me! It's Lara!
[Amelia looks to Lara. She has become a thrall]
* Lara: No. No, no, no. My mother is dead. My mother died a long time ago. You are not my mother.
[When Amelia is gonna atack Lara, she takes her pistols and shoots the thrall until it falls in the void]
* Natla: I have lived many years long than you entire civilization and I haven't seen such delicious irony.
===Tomb Raider Chronicles===
{{mainarticle|Tomb Raider Chronicles Story}}
The following is a list of key lines in [[Tomb Raider Chronicles]]. Full dialogues can be found in the [[Tomb Raider Chronicles Story|Story of the game]].
* "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings." (Larson in the Operahouse)
===Lara Croft: Tomb Raider===
* Lara: Was it programmed to stop before it took my head off?
* Bryce: Ah well, that would be a...no.
* Lara: "To see your world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm of your hand, an eternity in an hour."
* Lara: "Return the iron to it's stone embrace, the wheel of heaven will turn. Exhume the light from it's watery grave, to receive the gift of heaven, as you are condemned to the depths of hell."
===Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness===
{{mainarticle|Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Story}}
* Lara: But you might try to kill me.
* Manfred Powell: I'm not going to kill you.
* Lara: I said you'd *try*.
* Bryce: Me bum's gone to sleep again, all down the left cheek.
* Lara: Really? That's fascinating.
* Bryce: What's that smell?
* Lara: 5am
* Bryce: My ignorance amuses me... My ignorance amuses me?
===Tomb Raider Legend===
* Lara: Yes well I've always found your ignorance quite amusing.
{{mainarticle|Tomb Raider Legend Story}}
* ''What are you doing in Bolivia?'' - ''Ascending.'' (Alister and Lara, when she's climbing up to the Tiwanaku plateau.)
* ''With patience and persistence.'' - (Lara's answer when asked how she's proceeding in Bolivia.)
* ''Don't mind my offer to help you get it down in a less... calamitous manner.'' - ''I didn't hear you offer at all, and especially not a calamitous one, but thanks all the same.'' (Alister and Lara in Croft Manor)
[A man, bearing a package for Lara, enters the mansion and is amazed to see that her hall is destroyed. Lara notices his expression]
* Lara: I woke up this morning and I just hated everything...
[Lara is talking to Powell, on a phone provided by a monk in Cambodia. Powell is having a massage.]
* ''It's not a party until something gets broken.'' (Lara in Japan, after causing destruction.)
* Lara: Wonderful, Bye then. [She hangs up then calls Bryce].
* ''From this moment, your every breath is a gift from me.'' (Lara to Amanda when she let's her go.)
===Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life===
===Tomb Raider Anniversary===
{{mainarticle|Tomb Raider Anniversary Story}}
* ''What's a man got to do to get that sort of attention from you?'' - ''If that's the sort of attention you want, Larson, you're well on your way.'' (Larson and Lara on the attention Lara gave Bigfoot, when bagging him.)
*  ''I only play for sport.'' (Lara to Natla when she is offered a lot of money.)
* ''You've reached the top, Lara. There's nowhere left to go but down.'' (Natla when Lara has reached the top of the Atlantean pyramid.)
* Lara: Some things were not meant to be found.
[Bryce and Hillary are getting a makeover by some tribesmen]
===Tomb Raider Underworld===
* Bryce: Lara, are you okay?
{{mainarticle|Tomb Raider Underworld Story}}
* Hillary: Lara, you all right?
* ''And I am Thor no longer, it seems.'' (Lara when the first gauntlet loses its power.)
* Lara: This is very touching...
* ''I need Thor's belt to get his hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a god.'' (Lara when she's decided that she wants to kill Natla for sending the doppelgänger that killed Alister.)
* Bryce: You know us, always making friends... having a laugh.
* Lara: Getting married.
* Bryce: What?
* Kosa: This is a wedding ceremony and you are the grooms.
* Lara: Good luck, boys.
==Movies, Comics and Novels==
* [[Quotes and Dialogue (Movies, Comics and Novels)‎]]

Latest revision as of 23:13, 17 March 2011

Notable Quotes from the Games, the Comics, the Movies and the Novels can be found on the following pages.


Notable Quotes from the Core Design Games:

Tomb Raider

Main article: Tomb Raider Story

Tomb Raider II

  • Lara: Pardon me if that was just your way of trying the doors for me.
  • Fiamma Nera member: [laughs] With a tommy gun on my keyring.
  • Lara: Though not anymore, so after you.
  • Fiamma Nera member: Somehow, you don't behave like you've got a monk's blood.
  • Lara: I understand that "somehow" is in my favour. So indulge me about the dagger. I'd be indebted with your life.
  • Fiamma Nera member: These doors are waiting for the right one. The right time to arrive. And then the dagger's blade will honour the hearts of those who believe. So, unless you pledge your loyalty as well...
  • Lara: And which one is that?
  • Fiamma Nera member: To the sins and fortunes of Marco Bartoli!

[He drinks some poison and dies]

  • Lara: Perhaps not just yet then.

[looks into the laptop for information]

  • Lara: Aha! Gianni Bartoli. Via Caravelli, Venice.
  • Brother Chan: Oh, you are not one of them.
  • Lara: But you are a monk?
  • Brother Chan: Brother Chan, Barkhang. You have come for me. I saw bright lights around me.
  • Lara: That was gunfire. I think it was them who got taken away by it.
  • Brother Chan: But you are my guide. My path-beater to next incarnation. I have done my time here, haven't I?
  • Lara: What are you doing here...with Marco Bartoli?
  • Brother Chan: Nothing. I... I led righteous life, here for reasons rooted only a necessary evil, as my father was before me when he bombed Gianni's vessel deep into these waters. And now I am here...uh, was here, to prevent his son from salvaging the Seraph.
  • Lara: The Seraph?
  • Brother Chan: You not know my life's work well... You sure you not here for them?
  • Lara: Their Jackanory days are well over.

[Lara begins changing into a wet suit while he speaks]

  • Brother Chan: They want the Seraph to unlock a malignant treasure we contain in our monastery in Tibet. Since being stolen by imbecile vagabonds centuries ago, we been without key to it...relying solely on cleansing of our prayers to keep it subdued. Then the occultist Gianni B. acquired it. Trouble we knew. He breathed life back into ancient belief. One not to be stopped by any amount of head bowing. And now again it is here. Marco, infected with madness. He has violent mind, but not yet the power to satiate it. So, we reach for our weapons once more.
  • Lara: The true Detox of evil.
  • Brother Chan: Where can you be taking me? Thought this was my big break. Guess change is good at rest. [He sighs] I need one.

[From above a balcony Bartoli shoots the monk in the chest. Lara shoots at her enemy, but hears an alarm. She runs in the sub room and jumps into the water]

  • Lara: Don't you think you've seen enough!? [picks up shotgun and fires]

Tomb Raider III

[Lara emerges from the caves to see a boat coming upstream]

  • Willard: Hey!

[Lara grins as the boat pulls up to the bank]

  • Willard: I didn't want to be mispresented by that retarded researcher you've just been with.
  • Lara: Lara.
  • Willard: I'm Dr. Willard, I've come to converse with Tony myself, but I saw that you were doing a more creditable job, I think. Indeed, I'm inspired, I'd like to offer you other work.
  • Lara: What? Shoot the breeze with some of your other boys? No thanks.

  • Lara: So, how did it end up here?
  • Willard: Formed from the planets. Sculpted by Polynesians. Distributed by goons. Our excavations and investigations have led us to this. (hands her a large book) A sailor's diary from his voyage on Charles Darwin's expedition on the HMS Beagle.
  • Lara: Hello?... Hello?

[Tony appears from inside a tent]

  • Tony: What? What do you want from me now?!
  • Lara: Nothing that taxing. Are you alright?
  • Tony: If you'd all stop, I might be just fine. Just one hundred percent...just...
  • Lara: "If you'd all stop?" Who are you talking about?
  • Tony: All of you. Hundreds of you talking and chattering and breaking my brain up...
  • Lara: Hmm. Well, I'm not quite sure where you're coming from, but I just want to know about the Infada artefact.

[Shows the ruins behind]

  • Lara: In the temple up there.
  • Tony: Voodoo magic and all, huh? I don't touch the stuff myself.
  • Lara: It's not voodoo. Look, is there anyone else here with you?
  • Tony: Yeah. Randy and Rory. Pheesh...
  • Lara: Randy and Rory? Where? What are you all doing here?
  • Tony: Well, they're staying put...in that temple. I told them not to. Warned them first. Not doing much now I doubt... under half a ton of mudslide. Me? I'm leaving. Next bus out. This jungle has rooted enough rot into me. I'd offer the same advice to you, but you don't seem like the type to take it...to care if I said you're gonna die in there. [laughs] Yeah...die...

[Tony jumps of a ledge and disappears]

  • Lara: Not interrupting, am I?
  • General: Not bleedin' are ya? Not about to use this place as a dunny?
  • Lara: No and uh...no.
  • General: Good, good.

[He shows Lara his badly wounded leg, missing from the knee down]

  • General: Just don't want any fly-carrying visitors in here.
  • Lara: Right, I understand. What happened?
  • General: Woke up in the jungle with one of those little blokes snacking on my leg, didn't I?
  • Lara: A tribesman? It isn't usual for them to eat right off the bone like that...
  • General: Well, it was dark and I never got the bugger, so I can't be sure. Something spooky is in that jungle. Our air-carrier crashed up in the mountains. Every night, some of my men would vanish without a trace. Others fled in fear. Then this happened. [He points to his leg] So, I brought the men down to shore for safety only for us to be captured by this greedy mob. Some sort of sacrifice to their god who lives up in the hills. Though it seems I've not been invited to the barbie.
  • Lara: Maybe you're the dessert. Ripe flesh can be a bit of a delicacy around here.
  • General: For real?

[Nearby drum sounds are heard]

  • Lara: Listen, we'd better get you out of here. Do you know how the tribes cross the swamp down there? Which stones they tread on?
  • General: Yeah, but I'm stayin' put. With this wound, I'd be like a fill-up station for every diseased bug in the bush. I'd rather be the main course at the real feast. [He gives Lara a map] Hey, if you see any of my men alive in there direct them to the north shore, will ya? Away from here.
  • Lara: Of course.
  • Hired assassin: I mean, I could even be retired from you.
  • Lara: Then you might like to mind...the bell.

[The assassin turns around, but is knocked off the ledge by the tower bell]

  • Lara: [watches him fall down] Happy retirement.
  • Sophia: Ah, Miss Croft. I take it you're ready to sign up.
  • Lara: To what?
  • Sophia: Well, my books. You see, with your lifestyle, you'd be the perfect campaign for my products. Just think, you wouldn't be needing those unsightly weapons anymore...
  • Lara: No, but I'll probably have an unsightly face, judging by your past experiments.
  • Sophia: My what?
  • Lara: Oh, yes. They're all still alive. Very much so, in fact. All I want is the artefact.

[Lara reaches for it, but Sophia takes the artefact first]

  • Sophia: [laughs] Right! In your next life!
  • Lara: We'll see.
  • Tribesman: 'Tis well fa you. Me fasting dis day. You make plenty good flesh-pot.
  • Lara: You forget. I might be quite hungry myself. Famished actually.

Tomb Raider IV The Last Revelation

  • Werner: And so, we breach the sanctum of the ancients. The first foot falls in this tomb for centuries.
  • Lara: This place gives me the creeps. After you.

[Lara dives in the water to look for artefacts, but comes back empty handed]

  • Lara: Your average priceless seaweed.
  • Werner: No prizes for you this time, Lara!

[Lara prepares to exit the temple, but hears Von Croy's voice nearby]

  • Von Croy: Miss Croft!
  • Lara: [with a cold tone] Von Croy...
  • Von Croy: You sound concerned, my dear. Have you misplaced something?
  • Lara: Nothing that I can't be retrieving at a later date, lieber.
  • Von Croy: You know how I admire your perseverance, but I fear this time you may be taking it to the...how would you say? Maximum?
  • Lara: Always griping, Werner. If it's the leg that's causing all this resentment, I seem to remember that being down to your affinity with pulling hazardous levers.
  • Von Croy: Enough of this tedious banter, Miss Croft. It is time for you to realize...

[Werner hears Lara taking out her pistols]

  • Von Croy: Miss Croft?

[He looks around the corner; Lara shoots at him, but misses]

  • Von Croy: Now let us review your sprinting skills!

[He takes the Amulet and the temple door closes before Lara can escape]

  • Lara: Your work force is about to be delayed.
  • Werner: Take may hand! I can pull you to safety!
  • Lara: Good to see you again, Werner.
  • Werner: [shouting] I couldn't leave you!

Tomb Raider Chronicles

The following is a list of key lines in Tomb Raider Chronicles. Full dialogues can be found in the Story of the game.

  • "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings." (Larson in the Operahouse)

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider Legend

  • What are you doing in Bolivia? - Ascending. (Alister and Lara, when she's climbing up to the Tiwanaku plateau.)
  • With patience and persistence. - (Lara's answer when asked how she's proceeding in Bolivia.)
  • Don't mind my offer to help you get it down in a less... calamitous manner. - I didn't hear you offer at all, and especially not a calamitous one, but thanks all the same. (Alister and Lara in Croft Manor)

  • It's not a party until something gets broken. (Lara in Japan, after causing destruction.)
  • From this moment, your every breath is a gift from me. (Lara to Amanda when she let's her go.)

Tomb Raider Anniversary

  • What's a man got to do to get that sort of attention from you? - If that's the sort of attention you want, Larson, you're well on your way. (Larson and Lara on the attention Lara gave Bigfoot, when bagging him.)
  • I only play for sport. (Lara to Natla when she is offered a lot of money.)
  • You've reached the top, Lara. There's nowhere left to go but down. (Natla when Lara has reached the top of the Atlantean pyramid.)

Tomb Raider Underworld

  • And I am Thor no longer, it seems. (Lara when the first gauntlet loses its power.)
  • I need Thor's belt to get his hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a god. (Lara when she's decided that she wants to kill Natla for sending the doppelgänger that killed Alister.)

Movies, Comics and Novels