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Notable '''Quotes''' from the [[Crystal Dynamics]] [[Games]]:
#REDIRECT [[Quotes]]
==Tomb Raider Legend==
[Lara pulls down a bookcase in library with her grapple]
* Alister: Don't mind my offer to help you get it down in a less... calamitous manor.
* Lara: I didn't hear you offer at all, and especially not a calamitous one, but thanks all the same.
* Zip: Y'know, I think you forgot your climbing gear on purpose!
* Lara: What would give you that idea?
[She grabs the edge of a crevice, but the rock brakes and Lara falls. She quickly finds a new place to hang onto]
* Lara: Breathe Zip, it's like going up a set of stairs, only far less boring.
* Zip: Yeah? Well I wanna throw up every time you look down... Hey, Alister's back! [To Alister] Grab a headset.
* Lara: Back so soon? From Florence, wasn't it?
* Alister: Decided on Genoa at the last minute. My dissertation will never see daylight at this rate, but never mind that. What are you doing in Bolivia?
* Lara: Ascending.
* Zip: Do me a favour and check you PDA?
* Lara: It still works if that's what you're wondering.
* Zip: Cool! They said it was water-proof. You should be able to swim with it no problem. Unless you eat it. Then you'll have to wait an hour.
[Lara arrives in Ghana and looks at a beautiful waterfall]
* Lara: If all else fails, I can get into the postcard business.
[Lara manages to make an ancient trap mechanism work]
* Zip: Congratulations, you've had your wish-- the place is a deathtrap.
* Lara: It needed a woman's touch.
[Through her binoculars Lara looks at a ruin]
* Lara: Isn't she beautiful? I'm falling in love all over again.
* Zip: You say that to all the ruins.
* Lara: They don't seem so keen on visitors these days...
* Zip: But hey, you're the one with the guns.
* Lara: You can't blame me for knowing how to accessorize. Any word from Anaya?
* Zip: She said she'll meet you at the statue in the marketplace.
* Lara: At least we'll have our privacy.
* Lara: Zip, did you speak to Takamoto?
* Zip: He didn't want to see you so I reminded him how much you hate the word no.
[Referring to Takamoto]
* Nishimura: He is a very dangerous man when his interest differ from yours.
* Lara: You'd be amazed how persuasive I can be. Even with dangerous men.
[Lara returns into the main hall after meeting Nishimura and sees Takamoto's goons firing at her. She jumps behind a bar. A goon heads to the bar, thinking Lara is a sure target. Lara stands up holding her pistols and kills the goons]
* Zip: Where'd you get those?
* Lara: Basic etiquette: never arrive at a party empty-handed.
[Lara shoots an explosive barrel and destroys an area]
* Zip: Nishimura's gonna bill you for that.
* Lara: It's not a party until something gets broken.
* Zip (to Alister): Man, I don't know what she's thinking. She's crazy!
* Lara: I can hear you, you know, and it's a tad distracting.
[Lara is outside and looking at a tall building]
* Lara: What a lovely evening to be outside.
* Zip: Uh oh, you know what that means.
* Alister: I'll get the Dimenhydrinate...
[Lara is in the King Arthur Museum and notices a button. A voiceover babbles about King Arthur and the Sword]
* Zip: Press that again - it's like electroshock therapy for Alister here!
* Zip: The connection isn't too strong, so you probably won't be able to hear much once you're under water.
* Lara: There is a God.
* Zip: Once again we find ourselves on top of a mountain with no climbing gear.
* Alister: And I doubt any of that snow and ice is stable. You should keep moving before it brakes on you.
* Lara: I have done this before, you know.
* Zip: It's usually someone else's past you're digging into.
* Lara: That's where you're wrong, Zip - this has always been what it's about
* Lara:Good advice Zip, you do look after me.
* Zip: You *and* Winston, he signs the checks.
[Lara needs to get across an area with the floor set on fire]
* Zip: No way your long jumping that!
* Lara: No, but it might have been worth trying just to hear you lads squeal about it.
[Lara uses Excalibur to blow open a door]
* Zip: Now THAT'S how you open a door!
* Lara: I prefer door knobs
[Lara has just opened the temple door in Ghana. Rutland notices her.]
* Rutland: Lara. You're a busy beaver aren't you.
* Lara: Oh look, it's Rutland.
* Lara: Fancy dropping down for a chat then?
* Rutland: Only if you can shoot this far.
* Lara: You know long distance relationships inevitably come to an end.
* Rutland: I'd wish you luck with that but..er..ya' know.
[Lara arrives in Bolivia Stone Dais]
* Lara: Everyone between me and the stone dies.
[Lara puts Excalibur in the Stone Dais]
* Amelia: What? Who are you?
* Lara: Mother, it's Lara, your daughter
* Amelia: Daughter?
* Lara: Don't touch the sword!
[Amanda awakes]
* Amanda: Take out the sword!
* Lara: What? No! Mother. Mother listen to me.
* Amanda: Everything will explode unless you pull out the sword!
==Tomb Raider Anniversary==
* Natla: My company has recently turned its focus on the study of ancient artifacts, and I am led to believe that with the right incentive, you are just the woman to find them for me.
* Lara: I'm afraid you've been mistaken. I only play for sport.
* Natla: Which is precisely why I've come to you Miss Croft. This is a game you've played before. 
[Lara is looking for Pierre among the columns]
* Pierre: I suppose you are more of a dog person.
* Lara: Natla doesn't honor her contracts, Pierre. I'd move on if I were you.
* Pierre: No, Mademoiselle. Natla and I understand each other. I find things for her and she rewards me handsomely. But you seek the very thing she does. That is why you are not trusted.
* Lara: I trust my instincts.
* Pierre: And that's why you are in second place. I, am a professional, Mademoiselle; I focus on the job, and I get paid.
* Lara: There's more to life than money, Pierre.
* Pierre: This isn't life, Mademoiselle. It's BUSINESS! Your compulsion prevents you from seeing the difference!
* Lara: It hasn't prevented me from getting a piece of the Scion. How's business for you?
* Pierre: [pause] Touché. So then, why don't we see whose compulsion gets them the next piece?
[Pierre is holding Lara at gunpoint]
* Pierre: You see, instincts can be expensive. Yours are going to cost you both pieces of the Scion.
* Lara: That's not a price I'm prepared to pay.
* Pierre: Don't be absurd; no job is worth dying for.
* Lara: [pause] Yes, it is.
[Lara finds out that the track has been blocked by a large crate. Larson walks out, holding up a fuse]
* Larson: Sorry, Darlin', this is the end of the line.
* Lara: [sighs] Just hand it over, Larson. This has nothing to do with you.
* Larson: What's it got to do with you? The Scion belongs to Natla. Face it, Lara; you've got no business here.
* Lara: I don't have time for this; get out of the way, or you die.
* Larson: [snorts] What are you going to do? Shoot me? Come on, I just work here. I know how bad you want this, but I can't let you pass. We both know you are not gonna kill me for it.
[Lara hesitates]
* Larson: That's just not who you are.
* Lara: [expression changes] I'm not who you think I am.
[Natla is on trial, watched in a vision by Lara]
* Qualopec: But it is my face you will see in your nightmares.
* Tihocan: What have you to say for yourself?
* Natla: The gods favour action not council.
* Qualopec: And yet it is this council that rules over you today.
* Natla: You rule over nothing. Atlantis is in ruin. Nothing can change that. Everything must burn! Only then can the Seventh Age begin.
* Qualopec: You choose a path of madness. I wash my hands of you.
* Tihocan: For your treachery when using the knowledge of the Scion to unleash our armies against us, I expel you forever from the sacred Order of the Three and condemn you to shame in the frozen limbo of eternity.
* Natla: It cannot be stopped. The Wheels of Kathar are already in motion. Doom will find you both while I rise from the dust of your bones to finish what I started.
[Natla is deep frozen as Tihocan and Qualopec chant]
* Natla: What have you really accomplished here? Nothing, but a temporary stay of execution for your kind! This island is just one remnant of Atlantis; I will find another! But you, Lara, have lost EVERYTHING!
[Lara and Natla fight, which ends with Lara grappling one of the pillars down on top of Natla]
* Lara: No, I haven't.
==Tomb Raider Underworld==
[Lara in walking, when she hears an explosion]
* Lara: My God...
[Lara finds Zip and Winston, but he pushes Winston back and shoots at Lara]
* Zip: Look out!
* Winston: Stop! It's Lara!
* Zip: I know!
* Lara: Wait!
[The scene ends and we go back to one week before this]
* Zip: Hey Lara. Find it yet?
* Lara: Patience, Zip. I warned you that conveniently undiscovered islands would be scarce in Mediterranean.
* Alister: Are you sure this Eddington chap knows what he's talking about?
* Lara: If he says Father was convinced the path to Avalon was here, I have no reason to doubt it.
* Alister: Fair enough...but it's...well... we've been talking about it and...
* Zip: (interrupting Alister) You've been talking, man. Leave me out of it.
* Alister: It's just...all right, maybe Avalon is real, but just because some mad woman tells you your, your mother didn't die after all... I mean, look... I, I don't want to seem heartless, but this, this idea of your mum living in some, some Celtic underworld... It's a, it's a little bit mental, isn't it?
* Lara: I have no illusions that my mother is holding court in some mythical paradise, Alister. I only want the truth, whatever it may be. I'll ring you later.
[Lara opens Niflheim door and starts to film everything in the walls]
* Lara: Incredible. The carvings are clearly similar to early Germanic design, but this is far older the 5th century, yet, strangely enough, more sophisticated. Proto-Norse runes? Let's see...
[She points to something wrote above the door] "World of Mist." That would be Niflheim, the realm of the dead. Not Avalon, exactly, but the Norse equivalent.
[Lara is attacked by the Kraken and starts to film it]
* Lara: Oh, that's lovely. I hope it's as blind as it looks.
* Lara: Thor, the Norse God of Thunder. Whatever are you doing down here in Niflheim. [She sees Thor's gauntlet] According to the Eddas, Thor needed special iron gauntlets to wield his mighty hammer Mjolnir... Could it be?
* Lara: Thor's hammer Mjolnir was powerful enough to level mountains. But how does this all relate to Avalon?
[Lara turns back and realizes five armed mercenaries]
* Mercenary: Put your hands on your head and turn around, slowly.
* Lara: I don't suppose you'd be open to bribery, would you?
[One mercenary knocks her with his weapon. Lara awakes and sees the same mercenary planting a bomb in the chamber's door]
* Mercenary: Amanda Evert sends her regards.
[He explodes the bomb, trapping Lara in the chamber]
* Lara: Bloody hell.
[Lara gets near of a chamber]
* Amanda: Damn, it's too small...
* Natla: Only Lara can use it now.
* Amanda: Until I kill her.
* Natla: Even that won't unbind the artifact...
[The ship shakes]
* Amanda: We're taking on water... Damnit! We'll pick this up again later.
[Lara enters the chamber]
* Natla: I'm very pleased to see you again, Lara. [She turns to Lara] This specimen jar offers little in the way of amusement, so I've grown fond of watching Amanda suffer the effects of sharing you interests.
* Lara: Jacqueline Natla. You just don't know when to die.
* Natla: A trait we have in common.
* Lara: It was you who told Amanda about Avalon.
* Natla: Our time is short, so choose your questions carefully.
* Lara: What do you know about my mother?
* Natla: The Dais you and she found in Nepal. It's part of a... travel network, so to speak. It took your mother to Avalon.
* Lara: My father thought Avalon was below, but that's Niflheim. What's the Norse connection?
* Natla: Ah, Richard found the wrong Norse underworld. Your mother didn't go to Niflheim; she went to Helheim.
* Lara: Where is it?
* Natla: I will tell you where it is, one day. But when that day comes, you'll need Thor's hammer to get inside. Perhaps you'll have better luck finding it than your father did.
* Lara: What do you mean?
* Natla: Your answer is on the west coast of Thailand; seventh parallel.
* Lara: None of the runes are visible from down here. And if Father did explore this site, I see no sign of it yet.
* Zip: I still don't see how Thailand is connected with Vikings or ruins under the Med, or hell, even Avalon for that matter.
* Lara: Helheim, Zip. Various myths use different names, but they all apply to the same remnants of the ancient world.
* Alister: One of these remnants is still alive. I would hate to be Amanda if Natla ever gets free.
* Zip: I would hate to be any of us.
* Lara: The characters are Vedic Sanskrit. They're severely weathered... "Bhogavati, of the seventh..." It must be reffering to the capital of Patala, the lowest infernal world in Hindu tradition. It's a netheworld populated by snake-people, although the enlightened one, Narada, spoke rather fondly of it. [Lara watches the giant Shiva statue] That's Shiva on top and his mistress Kali is down below.
* Lara: The architecture here is different... it's similar to the Niflheim ruins.
[Lara opens a door with Thor's first gauntlet]
* Lara: I can see where the rumours of Thor's godlike strength came from.
* Lara: This was here long before the upper temple was added. Proto-Norse runes again. My son, the treasures here and far - this gauntlet's twin, your belt, Megingjord, and the mighty Mjolnir - are protected by the dead to keep Jörmungandr subdued. But the map's been destroyed, and recently. If one of Thor's Gauntlets was here, it's gone now. What's this? "Natla - I see your goal and am your puppet no longer - Richard James Croft." Father did this. "RJC..." Strange... Father never used his middle initial in monograms to avoid confusion with his father. That's where you hid the artifact. You sly old fox. Now if I can just make it back to the boat...
* Lara: And I am Thor no longer, it seems. I wonder how he charged it up again?
* Zip: You find anything?
* Lara: There was a map, but Father destroyed it.
* Alister: Well, the acorn certainly didn't fall very far from the tree.
* Lara: He did it deliberately, to keep the information from Natla. But I'm sure he recorded everything first, and what's more, he found Thor's other Gauntlet.
* Zip: Where did he put it?
* Lara: Right under your nose.
* Winston: My apologies, Lady Croft, but I have not tended to the crypt recently.
* Alister: Why didn't you ever tell us this was down here.
* Zip: Hell, I wish I still didn't know. Ya know what? I will wait here.
* Lara: I did warn you that playing your music so loud could wake the dead.
* Zip: Damn, this is creepy...
* Alister: What makes you think it's here?
* Lara: Father signing his name with all three initials was a clear reference to my grandfather.
* Lara: Light, please.
[She finds a bottom that reveals a secret way below]
* Lara: Ah, it seems my father was full of surprises.
[Lara finds the room where Thor's second gauntlet is]
* Richard: Hello, Lara. Here is this room is everything we recovered from Bhogavati, Thailand. Be especially careful with the thralls - they managed to kill six of us before we boxed them up. They were protecting one of Thor's Gauntlets and a map showing where the rest of his treasures were hidden, all of which are necessary to open the way to Avalon. The Norse believed this site contains a powerful weapon, and to safeguard against this possibility, I destroyed the original map. I hope this was not a terrible mistake, but if it was, I hope you and your mother can forgive me.
[The gauntlet stops to glow]
* Lara: That didn't last long. Ah, well.
[Zip pushes Winston back and shoots at Lara]
* Zip: Look out!
* Winston: Stop! It's Lara!
* Zip: I know!
* Lara: Wait!
[She dodges the shots again, and then points her pistols at him.]
* Lara: Drop it, Zip, or I'll drop you!
* Zip: What, so you can shoot me again?
* Winston: It wasn't Lara. Why would she set fire to her own home?
* Zip: She got into the vault. It had to be her.
* Lara: Is that what happened here? Someone blew upon the vault?
* Zip: All right, say it wasn't you. Someone who looked a hell a lot like you opened it using the retina scanner.
* Lara: Impossible.
* Zip: Exactly.
* Lara: Then what happened?
* Zip: You... she got away with Amanda's Wraith Stone.
* Lara: Where is Alister?
* Winston: We haven't seen him.
* Lara: I'm gonna to the Tech Room to watch the security video. You two get out before the roof comes down.
[Lara is in the tech room and suddenly realizes the doppelganger is on the other side of the glass.]
* Lara: No...
[The doppelganger shoots Alister]
* Lara: No!
[Lara opens the room's doors and tries to fight the thing, but fails. After it escapes, Lara goes to Alister]
* Lara: Alister!
* Alister: I feel... bloody awful.
* Lara: Shhh... Just lie still.
* Alister: I'll see... you...
* Lara: Alister, hold on!
* Alister: ...see you... in... Avalon.
[He dies.]
* Lara: Damnit!
[Lara, Zip and Winston escape the burning Manor. Lara paces the grounds, frustrated.]
* Zip: Ahh. No!
[Winston exams Alister's neck to see if he is still alive, but he is dead.]
* Zip: What the hell was that thing?
* Lara: I've only seen something like it once before - a doppelganger that Natla sent after me years ago, but that one didn't have a mind of its own.
* Winston: But how could Natla have sent it if she's Amanda's prisoner?
* Lara: They're a team of sorts now. Amanda and Natla, her pet Atlantean god.
* Zip: What are we going to do?
* Lara: After I deal with the authorities, I'm going to Southern Mexico to retrieve Thor's Belt.
* Zip: What?! Alister is dead! And... It's just... business as usual?!
* Lara: I need Thor's belt to get his hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a god.
* Lara: The Mayan calendar had only 360 days, and the remaining five were the Unnamed Days. The Maya believed that each year when the Unnamed Days arrived, the gates to the underworld would open.
* Lara: Mayan hieroglyphs... "The Place of Fear." It's definitely Xibalba. The Mayan land of the dead.
* Lara: The Lords of Xibalba were said to kill visitors for sport by sending them into devious trap room.
* Lara: The Midgard Serpent, Jörmungandr, that lies on the bottom of the ocean, encircling all the world. The coming of Ragnarök. Jörmungandr thrashes beneath the sea, flooding the land and vomiting its deadly poison into the air. The final battle of the gods. Thor kills Jôrmungandr with his hammer, Mjolnir, but then he retreats only nine steps before he succumbs to the serpent's venom.
[Lara gets to a big room, full of Eitr]
* Lara: Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent. All these ancient sites inspired underworld myths in later cultures... perhaps because they were all protected by the walking dead.
* Lara: Zip, I have everything I need to get Thor's hammer. Do you have better coordinates for me?
* Zip: Yeah, I enhanced your dad's photos of the map. I'm uploading to your PDA now.
* Lara: And your other project?
* Zip: Haven't tracked'em down, yet. Still working on it.
* Lara: Very good - I'll call when I get to Jan Mayen Island.
* Zip: Hey! You know that big expensive ship of Amanda's?
* Lara: The one on the bottom of the Mediterranean?
* Zip: Uh-huh, that one. She has a sister; the Tisiphone, anchored off the coast of Thailand. Looks like they're picking through your leftovers.
* Lara: Excellent work, Zip - thank you. You've earned some rest. I'll take it from here.
* Zip: Be careful. And when you see Amanda, give her my regards.
* Lara: "Hall of the Slain." Valhalla - Odin's hall, where the warriors who died in battle came to feast and prepare to fight in the final battle of Ragnarök. That makes this Valgrind, the Gate of the Dead. "Old is that gate, and how to unbolt it, few now know." Hmmm. Where are the Valkyries when you need them?
* Lara: Perhaps these yeti creatures inspired the Viking stories of Frost Giants.
* Lara: Thor, greatest of my sons, and the greatest weapon on Earth, are at last reunited. Upon my return, through rituals old and the power of Mjolnir, together we will open the seals of Helheim and fulfill our destinies. Mjolnir - slayer of giants and the Midgard Serpent. More importantly, the key to Helheim, wherever that is. Time to play Natla a visit.
[Lara returns to the imprisoned Natla, again in the hold of a ship]
* Lara: Avalon, Helheim, I don't care what it's called. Where is it?
* Natla: Look at all you have done. Incredible. I will never doubt you again.
* Lara: Tell me, now!
* Natla: Very well.
[Natla writes something in letters of fire with her finger.]
* Natla: But, before you put me to death, tell me: are you prepared to wait for Odin to appear and perform the ritual to open Helheim?
* Lara: And you know this ritual, of course.
* Natla: I'm sure you've realized that I want to get to Avalon just as much as you do. But neither of us can go alone. You need my ritual and I need you hammer.
* Lara: If... no, when you step out of line, you'll get it.
* Amanda: Stop!
* Lara: You... destroyed my home. You killed Alister!
* Amanda: I got what I wanted. Isn't that all we care about? Arrrrghhh!
* Lara: You can die too!
* Natla: Ah, Lara, you really are a woman after my own heart.
* Lara: Yahhh!!! Get out of my sight.
* Natla: Meet you there.
[Lara finds her mother, who is looking down at the Eitr.]
* Lara: Mother? It's me. It's Lara.
[Amelia looks at Lara. She has become a half rotted thing, maybe a Thrall.]
* Lara: No... No, no, no... My mother is dead. My mother is dead. My mother died a long time ago. You're not my mother.
[Amelia stumbles forward, reaching out for Lara, who takes her pistols and shoots Amelia until she falls backwards in the Eitr. Natla appears suddenly]
* Natla: I've lived many times longer than your entire civilization, and I've never seen such delicious irony. When I heard what happened to the wife of the great Richard Croft, I knew I could set him on a desperate quest to find what I desired most. Then he betrayed me in Thailand, and for that I killed him myself. But when you showed up with Thor's Gauntlet. I knew I could send you off in your father's footsteps, confident they would lead us to this very spot. 
* Lara: You seem to have forgotten what I would be holding.
[Lara tries to strike Natla with Thor's hammer and is stopped by the Doppelgänger]
* Natla: When I made this creature for Amanda, she had no idea that my true purpose was to have the means to destroy you at this very moment. The two of you never suspected that you were mere actors in my play. And so it ends. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a serpent to raise.
[Lara is almost killed by the doppelgänger, but Amanda saves here]
* Lara: Amanda?!
* Amanda: Trust me, I wanted to let it finish you off, but the Midgard Serpent will tear the world apart, and only Thor's Hammer can stop it! Go! I'll hold'em off!
* Lara: Shut it down!
* Natla: Lara! Unexpected, but I'm glad you're here. You should be allowed to see firsthand the fruits of your labor.
* Lara: That's the Midgard Serpent?
* Natla: Of course not. Jörmungandr is the network of the tectonic ridges that encircles the earth on the ocean floor. And we stand now on its weakest point, where the ancient supercontinent Pangaea first broke in two. When this relic unleashes its fury below, the very seams of the planet will burst. (She quotes from an Edda;) "''The Midgard Serpent will rise up and spew poison into the air, and all the world will be consumed by fire and ash.''" Ragnarök! The seventh age is upon us!
* Amanda: After killing the Midgard Serpent, Thor dies from its venom anyway.
* Lara: Not if you clear the corridor and get us out of here!
[Amanda tries to use her powers, but fails]
* Amanda: Out of juice, just like Bolivia. The good news is we saved the world. The bad news is now we're going to die here, just like your mother.
[Lara is about to punch Amanda, but stops.]
* Lara: Wait...
[She and Amanda discover a Stone Dais and an Excalibur.]
* Lara: Mother must have tried to use it to escape but didn't know how. If pulling out these artifacts always brings you here, what will happen if I'm already here?
* Amanda: Maybe you'll go to hell.
[Lara sees a section of a pillar is missing. She replaces the missing section so as to active the portal.]
* Lara: Damn it. I can't reach the sword, but you can.
* Amanda: What about you?
* Lara: I can reach you if you hold out your hand.
* Amanda: You trust me?
* Lara: We're out of time, Amanda.
[After deciding whether to help Lara or not, Amanda quickly pulls out the sword and takes Lara's hand.]
* Amanda: Now!
* Lara: So, it's back to this, is it?
* Amanda: What, you think we're even?
* Lara: Would killing me make us even?
[Amanda leaves the room. Lara takes the drawings she left there when she was a child]
* Lara: Goodbye, Mother. Rest in peace.
===Beneath the Ashes===
* Zip: Hey Lara, why don't you call it a night. Whatever you're looking for will be still there tomorrow.
* Lara: I somehow doubt it. My father not only claims that this artifact creates thralls, but that he used a word carved into it to control the damn things. It's hardly something you'd misplace, yet it's nowhere to be found.
* Zip: Maybe he left it in Thailand. What's the magic word?
* Lara: I can't make it out. Wherever did you put it?
* Zip: What the hell was that?
* Lara: A rather big clue.
* Lara: Are you getting this, Zip?
* Zip: I've heard of turning water into wine, but slime is a new one.
* Lara: Ohk eshivar!
[A thrall tries to attack Lara]
* Lara: Ohk eshivar! Kill! Okh eshivar! You have to do whatever I ask now, correct?
* Lara: Make sure Natla suffers.
* Zip: You're letting her go? She killed Alister!
* Lara: And now she is the instrument of his vengeance.
===Lara's Shadow===
* Doppelganger: Like your new look.
* Natla: There's too much Lara in you for your own good, slave. [[Okh Eshivar]]. Take me back to your birthplace. Now.
* Natla: Amanda cut the power. Go reactivate it, but be careful; this machine is useless to me damaged. Once the power is restored, return here for further instructions.
* Natla: Is the device undamaged? Good. Perhaps Amanda is not entirely useless. You however, these are your final orders. Find Lara Croft and kill her. Once she is dead, end your own life as well. I do not wish to see her face again.
* Lara: Are you getting this, Zip?
* Zip: I've heard of turning water into wine, but slime is a new one.
* Lara: [[Okh Eshivar]]!
[A thrall tries to attack Lara]
* Lara: [[Okh Eshivar]] !
[The Doppelganger appears]
* Lara: Kill! [The Doppelganger kills the thrall and tries to punch Lara]
* Lara: [[Okh Eshivar]]! [She stops to attack Lara] You have to do whatever I ask now, correct? [She nods]
* Lara: Then tell me this. What the hell are you?
* Doppelganger: I am you, with the flaws removed.
* Lara: Really? Free will is a flaw?
* Doppelganger: Obsession and compulsion are much the same. Either way we are neither of us our own masters.
* Lara: But if you were, what would you do?
* Doppelganger: What would you do?
* Lara: Obey me now. From this moment, ignore all commands. You are a slave to no one.
[Doppelganger's eyes glows]
* Lara: Make sure Natla suffers.
* Doppelganger: Looks like the device suffered some damage after all.
* Natla: You? Get this thing off me. [[Okh Eshivar]]. I order you to help me.
[The Doppelganger has a flashback]
* Lara: Obey me now. From this moment, ignore all commands. You are a slave to no one.
* Natla: No... I command you to lift this off of me. I command you! You hear me? [[Okh Eshivar]]! You must obey me. [[Okh Eshivar]]! Help me! Thralls! Come to me! Help! NO! N...

Latest revision as of 17:00, 17 March 2011

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