Tomb Raider: Journeys Vol. 1, Issue 11

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Release Date: April 2003
Writer: Fiona Kai Avery
Pencil: Manny Clark
Ink: Marlo Alquiza
Colors: Brian Buccellato, Tyson Wengler & Steve Firchow
Letters: Robin Spehar & Dennis Heisler
Pages: 32
Price: $2.99

The final confrontation and climax to the mystery of the Dream Spear in the Dreaming Underworld. Lara finally confronts Kagan, the man who stole the Maori's influential Dream Spear and learns more about herself in the process. It seems that Lara and Kagan have been fighting the same battle for longer than she would ever have dreamed. And Lara's decision must be between killing Kagan or changing Known Fate to start a new destiny.

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