Health Bar

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Health Bar & Grab Bar (AoD)
The Health Bar (also known as Life Bar, Energy Bar or Power Bar) indicates how much life energy Lara has left. When it's depleted she dies. The Health Bar can be fully or partially restored by using Health Items to replenish it. Depending on the game reaching a certain checkpoint will also fully restore Lara's health. The appearance of the bar has stayed pretty much the same in most of the games.

There are a lot of things that can drain the Health Bar:

  • enemy attacks
  • traps
  • deep falls
  • gas exposure
  • no air under water
  • poison
  • ice water exposure

In Tomb Raider Underworld

Full Health Bar (blue) after collecting all the relics and Adrenaline Bar (yellow)
The Health Bar (left, yellow) and Adrenaline Bar (right, red)

In Tomb Raider Underworld the health bar looked rather different compared to earlier games. When Lara's health is very low, the bar replenishes itself to certain point. Also, by collecting Relics the player is able to increase the amount of health in the bar.

In Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

In Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light the simple look of the Health Bar made its return. However, the Health Bar is accompanied with two new Status Bars: the Ammo Bar and Relic Power Meter.
Health Bar (green), Ammo Bar (blue) and Relic Power Meter (yellow)

The Health Bar can be replenished by either collecting a Large Medipack (can be collected only when the Health Bar is not full) or going near a Health Shrine. The Health Bar also replenishes when an Ammo Upgrade or a Health Upgrade is collected. Health Upgrades increase the length of the Health Bar.

In Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

Like in Guardian of Light before, there is a simple Health Bar in Temple of Osiris, again paired with an Ammo Bar and an Amulet Power Meter.

As before the Health Bar can be replenished by either collecting a Large Medipack, which can only be collected when the Health Bar is not already full, or by stepping on a Health Shrine. The Health Bar also replenishes when an Ammo Upgrade or a Health Upgrade is collected. Health Upgrades increase the length of the Health Bar.